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Plan ahead: UW vs. Oregon State, Friday, Nov. 4

Football home games always bring a lot of traffic to campus as excited fans make their way to Husky Stadium by bus, rail, van, car and boat. The challenges of managing all that traffic increase when the game is on a weekday instead of a Saturday, as is the case for the upcoming nationally televised Oregon State game, which starts at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 4.

  • With a later start time and the increased popularity of telecommuting, congestion isn’t expected to be as great as in the past, but here are some things to be aware of:
  • Everyone coming to campus on Friday, Nov. 4, whether for the game, for classes or for work, is encouraged to use green means of transportation that day: light rail, bus, shuttles, biking, carpools or walking.
  • For non-academic staff required to be on campus that day, managers are encouraged to provide flexibility to employees in telework-eligible positions by allowing them to work from home or to adjust their schedules to leave work in the early afternoon. Staff are encouraged to take advantage of public transportation options using their fully subsidized U-PASS.

Parking permit holders will receive separate emails directing them where to park on Nov. 4, but the general plan is as follows:

      • East campus parking lots (E12, E01, E18, etc.) will be closed to regular parking beginning at 7 a.m., with permit holders accommodated in other campus garages and lots.
      • S01 and Portage Bay parking will begin opening for Tyee football parking permits at 2 p.m. No public football parking will be allowed in these areas in order to conserve space for hospital and other staff.
      • Central Plaza Garage, Padelford Garage, C10, C12, N24 and N25 will begin opening to football parking at 2 p.m. and be fully open at 4 p.m.
      • There will be special parking arrangements made for hospital second shift workers.

For more information on getting to the game on Nov. 4, or to buy tickets, please see You can also watch the game on ESPN2.