Congress returns this week for a four-week stretch in which Democratic leaders hope for quick progress toward writing the 12 regular appropriations bills and plan to push ahead on sweeping global warming and health care legislation.
Monday, June 1
Senate reconvenes at 2 p.m. and will begin consideration of the motion to proceed to a bill to allow antitrust lawyers to regulate railroad mergers (S 146—Railroad Antitrust Enforcement Act of 2009). Consideration may continue the rest of the week.
The House will not be in session.
Tuesday, June 2
The Senate will continue debate on S. 146, the Railroad Antitrust Enforcement Act of 2009.
Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee will hold a hearing on the nominations of Catherine Radford Zoi to be Assistant Secretary of Energy for energy efficiency and renewable energy; William F. Brinkman to be Director, Office of Science, Energy Department; and Anne Castle to be Assistant Secretary of the Interior for water and science.
The House will reconvene at 2 p.m. for legislative business and take up several measures under suspension of the rules. Votes are expected at 6:30 p.m.
HR 2430 — A bill to direct the secretary of the Interior to continue stocking fish in certain lakes in the North Cascades National Park, Ross Lake National Recreation Area, and Lake Chelan National Recreation Area.
H J Res 40 — Native American Heritage Day Act of 2009
HR 1380 — Josh Miller Helping Everyone Access Responsive Treatment in Schools (Josh Miller HEARTS) Act of 2009
Wednesday, June 3
The House will take up several measures under suspension of the rules.
The House Committee on Science and Technology will hold a full committee markup of the National Climate Service Act (HR 2407).
Thursday, June 4
The House is expected to consider a bill (HR 2200) that would reauthorize the Transportation Security Administration and a federal employee parental leave bill (HR 626). The chamber could also consider the conference report on the fiscal 2009 supplemental spending measure (HR 2346).
Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee will hold a markup on Comprehensive Energy Policy, including building efficiency/renewable electricity standard; oil and gas/public lands; carbon capture, transportation and storage.
House Education & Labor Committee will hold a full committee hearing on “Building on What Works at Charter Schools.”
Friday, June 5
Senate will be in session; House may or may not be.
Source – Congressional Quarterly