The memorandum below was released today by the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU).
To: APLU Presidents and Chancellors
Cc: All APLU Councils and Commissions
From: Peter McPherson, President
Date: June 22, 2009
Re: Goal of 55% of young adults obtaining a college degree by 2025
Saturday’s edition of The Wall Street Journal contained an op-ed which I wrote with David Shulenburger. In the essay we proposed the goal of having 55% of people in the U.S. between the ages 25 and 34 earn a college degree by 2025. The op-ed can be found at: Yes, We Can Expand Access to Higher Ed.
Attached is the draft paper on which the op-ed is based. A news release and link are also available on our website. The draft paper was circulated to you earlier and discussed at the APLU Board and Presidents Council meetings a few weeks ago.
David and I believe that the 55% goal discussed in the draft paper is a good one. But what we think is most important is for the academic community to discuss and start to come together on some ambitious goal. We also hope that President Obama, at some point, will set out a refined and ambitious goal that has broad support within the academic community.
Thank you.