Late Thursday of last week, the House passed (by a vote of 259-157) its fiscal 2010 Commerce-Justice-Science (CJS) measure, HR 2847. The House measure provides $4.6 B for NOAA, and strongly supports NOAA research. The request for the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR) in the FY 2010 President’s Budget (PB) is fully funded, with minor changes. Specifically, the House provides $19.9M above the request for Climate Research; adds $4.4M in Weather and Air Quality Research funding, and $8.1M in Ocean, Coastal, and Great Lakes Research funding – for a total increase of $32.5M over the FY 2010 PB. Of this amount, $5.6M is for “Congressionally Directed Projects.” Senate subcommittee markups of fiscal 2010 spending measures are expected to begin this week, and the full Senate Appropriations is scheduled to mark up CJS this Thursday, June 25.
Within the President’s FY10 budget request, OAR requests a total of $404.6M. In summary, OAR requests: $209.8M for Climate Research; $63.9M for Weather and Air Quality Research; $107.4M for Ocean, Coastal, and Great Lakes Research; $13.1M for Information Technology, R&D, and Science Education; $10.4M for Procurement, Acquisition, and Construction.
[Provided by NOAA OAR Staff]