Monday, 7/6
In the Senate:
- The Senate will resume consideration of a Legislative Branch appropriations bill (HR 2918). Vote on final passage is expected today.
- Appropriations subcommittee will mark up draft legislation for FY10 appropriations for Military Construction and Veterans Affairs.
- Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions will mark up draft legislation for Affordable Health Choices Act.
The House is not in session.
Tuesday, 7/7
In the Senate:
- Full Committee on Appropriations will mark up legislation for FY10 for Agriculture and Military Construction-Veterans Affairs.
- Subcommittee of Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs will hold a hearing on “Public Transit and Climate Change.”
In the House:
- Will convene at 2:00 pm to consider several measures under suspension of the rules.
- The Full Committee on Appropriations will mark up FY 2010 appropriations for Energy and Water, and Financial Services.
Wednesday, 7/8
In the Senate:
- Appropriations Subcommittees will mark up legislation for FY10 for Energy and Water Development and Financial Services.
- Full Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation will mark up bills on transportation, technology, and environment
- Finance Committee will hold a full committee hearing on “International Trade, Climate Change.”
Thursday, 7/9
In the House:
- Will convene at 10:00 am to consider HR 2997, Fiscal 2010 Agriculture Appropriations.
Friday, 7/10
In the House:
- Will convene at 9:00 am and is expected to consider HR 3081, Fiscal 2010 State-Foreign Operations Appropriations, and HR 3082, Fiscal 2010 Military Construction-VA Appropriations.
- Appropriations Subcommittee will mark up FY 2010 appropriations for Labor-HHS-Education.
Source: CQ Today