Today, the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee approved its climate change mitigation legislation -despite a boycott of the markup by the minority party. Republicans wanted more analysis from the EPA on the impacts of the legislation. The Senate bill, which requires 60 votes on the floor to move to a final vote, will likely require significant modification to pass.
Senators Kerry (D-MA), Graham (R-SC), and Lieberman stated today that they intend to work on a compromise with business groups and the White House that can garner 60 votes. The three offered few details on what the essential elements of a compromise bill would include.
Of note to our community in the legislation:
Investments in Advanced Energy Research and Development- 4% (compared to 1.5 % in House legislation) of distributed allowances in 2012 and 2013, 2% in 2014 and 2015, and 1.7% of allowances in subsequent years will be allocated for research on advanced energy technologies, including funding for applied research at “Clean Energy Innovation Centers” at research universities and institutions.