Today, President Obama released his FY11 budget request. Despite an overall spending freeze, the President’s Budget Request (PBR) contained noteworthy increases for science within the Department of Energy. Items of note for the higher education community include:
- An increase of 4.4% ($217.7 million) to $5.1 billion for the Office of Science, including an increase of 72% ($14.9 million) for Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists, and an increase of 12% ($198.5 million) for Basic Energy Sciences;
- The first significant annual request for the Advance Research Projects Agency -Energy (ARPA-E) of $300 million, which would likely result in 8 targeted solicitations and one open solicitation;
- $140 million for Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs), which would allow for new awards;
- $107 million for Energy Innovation Hubs allowing for the continuation of three existing Hubs and one new Hub focusing on batteries and energy storage.