The House will reconvene on Tuesday to bote on a number of minor bills and resolutions. They are also expected to consider HR 4213, the American Workers, State and Business Relief Act of 2010, a bill to extend expired tax provisions and a bill that would reauthorize science and technology programs that was pulled from the floor on May 13.
The Senate will convene on Monday continue to vote on amendments to a bill to overhaul financial regulations (S 3217). Hopes are to finish the bill by mid-week. They may also consider HR 4213 if it is passed by the House.
Mexican President Felipe Calderon will address a joint meeting of Congress at 11:00 am this Thursday.
Tuesday, 5/18 — the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions will hold a hearing on the Elementary and Secondary Education Act Reauthorization.
Wednesday, 5/19 — the House Science and Technology Committee will hold a hearing on nuclear energy research.
Thursday, 5/20 — The Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources will hold a hearing on renewable energy, and the Senate Finance Subcommittee will hold a hearing on tax incentives and clean technology.
Source: CQ