The U.S. Department of Education’s Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education Comprehensive Program (FIPSE) will accept competitive FY10 proposals. FIPSE supports innovative reforms and improvements in postsecondary education that respond to problems of national significance. Approximately $27 million will be available for 37 awards of up to $750,000 per year; projects can last up to three years.
Over the past several years, FIPSE funds have been largely distributed through congressionally directed appropriations. While the majority of new FIPSE funds will continue to be distributed in this manner, the competitive program represents a signficant opportunity for colleges and universities. The following priority areas are identified in the full solicitation:
Invitational Priority 1
Under this priority, we are particularly interested in centers of
excellence for teacher preparation as described in section 242 of the
Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA).
Invitational Priority 2
Under this priority, we are particularly interested in university
sustainability initiatives as described in section 881 of HEA.
Invitational Priority 3
Under this priority, we are particularly interested in rural
development initiatives for rural-serving colleges and universities as
described in section 861 of HEA.
Invitational Priority 4
Under this priority, we are particularly interested in initiatives
to assist highly qualified minorities and women to acquire doctoral
degrees in fields where they are underrepresented as described in
section 807 of HEA.
Invitational Priority 5
Under this priority, we are particularly interested in modeling and
simulation programs as described in section 891 of HEA.
Invitational Priority 6
Under this priority, we are particularly interested in higher
education consortia to design and offer interdisciplinary programs that
focus on poverty and human capability as described in section
741(a)(11) of HEA.
Invitational Priority 7
Under this priority, we are particularly interested in innovative
postsecondary models to improve college matriculation and graduation
rates, including activities to facilitate transfer of credits between
institutions of higher education (IHEs), alignment of curricula on a
State or multi-State level between high schools and colleges and
between two-year and four-year postsecondary programs, dual enrollment,
articulation agreements, partnerships between high schools and
community colleges, and partnerships between K-12 organizations and
colleges for college access and retention programs.
Invitational Priority 8
Under this priority, we are particularly interested in activities
to develop or enhance educational partnerships and cross-cultural
cooperation between postsecondary educational institutions in the
United States and similar institutions in Haiti.