With the end of the federal fiscal year looming, congressional leaders are drafting a continuing resolution (CR) for FY12 in order to avoid a government shutdown when the fiscal year ends on September 30th. The CR is expected to run through November 18th, and would set spending levels at those agreed to in debt limit legislation agreed to last month (PL 112-25). Both House and Senate leaders want to pass the bill the week of September 19th in order to go ahead with plans for a scheduled recess the last week of September.
To date, no stand-alone spending bills for FY12 have been approved. The House has no plans to take up appropriations measures this week. The Senate, however, hopes to move four of their bills through committee this week: Commerce-Justice-Science, Defense, Legislative Branch, and Financial Services. The Senate bills are expected to include some significant differences in comparison to the House bills and administration proposals, in both overall funding levels and spending priorities.