Below are a couple of recently introduced bills by our own Washington congressional delegation that we are tracking. More information about these bills can be found at
HR 2105 – Information Technology Exchange Program Act of 2013
Sponsor: Congressman Derek Kilmer (D-WA)
Introduced: 5/22/2013
Current Status: Referred to House Committee on Armed Services Subcommittee on Intelligence, Emerging Threats, and Capabilities.
Summary: The bill aims to continue a program that allows employees from the private sector or academia to temporarily work for the Department of Defense (DOD) and DOD employees to work in the private sector. This will help DOD to modernize and protect and our nation’s information technology infrastructure and will help benefit private industry and academic institutions when developing tools and products to make lasting and significant contributions to the national defense.
Kilmer Press Release
HR 2944 – TIGER CUBS Act
Sponsor: Congressman Rick Larsen (D-WA)
Introduced: 8/1/2013
Current Status: Referred to House Committees on Appropriations and the Budget
Summary: With the full name of the bill, The Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery for Cities Underfunded Because of Size Act of 2013, this bill would set aside 20 percent of special transportation infrastructure funding (TIGER funds) for smaller cities.
Larsen Press Release