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The Week Ahead

This week lawmakers continue to debate FY2015 appropriations, student loans, and VA reform.

Tonight, the House will vote on S. 1254, the Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Amendments Act of 2013. The bill would authorize $20.5 million annually through 2018 for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to reduce the effects of algal blooms and hypoxia in bodies of water.

By mid-week, the Senate will turn its attention to a bill that would allow the nearly 40 million people with more than $1 trillion in student loans to refinance to current lower interest rates. The student loans bill is part of Senate Democrats’ “fair shot” 2014 agenda that included an unemployment insurance extension, minimum wage increase, and pay equity for women. But it is unlikely that enough Republicans will join Democrats to advance the bill, which is paid for by raising taxes on millionaires.

Read more about the week ahead at The Hill.

House Republican leadership has detailed a busy legislative agenda for the remainder of June in a memo sent from Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) to House Republicans sent Friday. The House will address issues at the Department of Veterans Affairs, three appropriations bills, three tax extender bills, and legislation to make gas and other energy prices cheaper. Notably absent from the agenda: any mention of immigration, an unemployment extension, or the expiring Export-Import Bank. Read the memo at Roll Call.

The Office of Federal Relations continues to advance our appropriations priorities, as well as monitoring legislative efforts on student loans.

Senate Confirms Burwell

Today, the Senate voted 78-17 to confirm Sylvia Mathews Burwell as secretary of Health and Human Services. Burwell replaces Kathleen Sebelius, who stepped down earlier this year. 

Senate Committees Hold Hearings on Student Loans

This morning Senators discussed student loans in two simultaneous committee hearings.

The Senate Budget Committee, which is chaired by Washington State’s Senator Patty Murray, held a full committee hearing titled, “Impact of Student Loan Debt on Borrowers and the Economy.” Key witnesses in the hearing included representatives from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Student Virginia Education Association, and the Contemporary History Institute at Ohio University. A video of the hearing and written testimony can be found here.

Over in the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection held a hearing titled, “Student Loan Servicing: The Borrower’s Experience.” Scheduled witnesses included representatives from the Student Veterans of America, the American Federation of Teachers, the Heritage Foundation, and the Denison University director of financial aid. A webcast of the hearing along with written testimony can be viewed on the Committee’s website here.

House Passes CJS, Senate Considers Its Version Next Week

The House passed the FY15 Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations bill after 1 am this morning. The measure passed by a vote of 321-87This legislation provides a 3.3% increase for NSF funding over FY14 levels. It also provides ample funding for science programs at NASA. 

Earlier in the evening, the House considered an amendment by Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), the Chairman of the House Science Committee. The amendment proposed to reduce  funding for the Social, Behavioral and Economic Science’s Directorate by $15.35 million research and related activities, and added to alternate research within the National Science Foundation portfolio. The amendment is similar to an amendment Smith added to the FIRST Act earlier in the week. The Smith Amendment passed by a vote of 208-201 (18 Republicans voted against and 5 Democrats voted for the amendment). 

Next week, June 3rd, the Senate Appropriations Committee will take up its version of the FY Commerce, Justice, Science bill.

Easton to leave IES

 John Easton announced today that he will be leaving his position as Director of the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) this Fall to take a position at the Spencer Foundation in Chicago.

As director of IES, Easton oversaw the National Center for Education Statistics, the National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, the National Center for Education Research, and the National Center for Special Education Research.

Easton was confirmed by the Senate and has served at Director of IES since May 2009. He was confirmed for a 6 year term. Prior to coming to IES, he was the executive director of the Consortium on Chicago School Research at the University of Chicago.