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Senate Confirms Ted Mitchell

This afternoon, the Senate confirmed Ted Mitchell as the new Under Secretary of Education.  Mitchell succeeds Martha Kanter, who stepped down in December to take a post at NYU. Mitchell has been President at the New School Venture Fund.

Mitchell was nominated in October of 2013. The nomination was approved unanimously by voice vote.

House to Hold Hearing on Student Veteran Success

The House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on Economic Affairs is holding a hearing this morning called, “Defining and Improving Success for Veterans Students”. The hearing will have two panels, which will be as follows:

Panel 1

  • Mr. Michael Dakduk, Vice President of Military and Veterans Affairs, Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities (APSCU)
  • Mr. William Hubbard, Vice President of External Affairs, Student Veterans of America (SVA)
  • Mr. Ricardo D. Torres, President and CEO, The National Student Clearinghouse
  • Mr. Thomas W. Ross, President, The University of North Carolina System, On behalf of: The American Council on Education (ACE)
  • Dr. Melissa Vito, Senior Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management and Vice Provost for Academic Initiatives and Student Success, The University of Arizona

Panel 2

  • Mr. Curtis L. Coy, Deputy Under Secretary for Economic Opportunity, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


DHS Announces New Immigration Regs

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) today announced the publication of two proposed regulations, including a rule to extend employment authorization to spouses of certain H-1B workers, and a proposal to enhance opportunities for certain groups of highly-skilled workers by removing obstacles to their remaining in the United States.  

Both Notices of Proposed Rulemaking will soon publish in the Federal Register. DHS encourages the public to comment on the proposed rule through  All public comments will be considered before the final rule is published and goes into effect.

House to Vote on ESRA Reauthorization

The House is expected to consider H.R. 4366, the Strengthening Education through Research Act on Wednesday of this week. The legislation would reauthorize the Institute of Education Science, which is the research arm of the Department of Education.

Reauthorizing legislation of research agencies is typically noncontroversial, and surprisingly, that spirit has held true this year with the IES reauthorization — so far. The House is expected to pass the legislation as a Suspension bill, which requires 2/3rd of the House in the positive for the bill to pass.

This measure is one of several higher education reauthorization bills the Office of Federal has been tracking.

This Week in Congress

Here is a list of hearings the Office of Federal Relations will be paying attention to throughout the week.


Senate Budget Committee
Fiscal 2015 Budget: Education
Full Committee Hearing
10:30 AM; 608 Dirksen Building

House Energy & Commerce – Subcommittee on Health
State of Biomedical Innovation
Subcommittee Panel Discussion
3 PM; 2123 Rayburn Building


Senate Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry Committee
Farm Bill Implementation
Full Committee Hearing
9 AM; 328-A Russell Building

Senate Appropriations Committee
Investing in Cybersecurity: Understanding Risks and Building Capabilities for the Future
Subcommittee on Homeland Security
2 PM, 192 Dirksen Building

Senate Appropriations Committee
Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations: CDC, HRSA, ACF, CMMS
Subcommittee Hearing
10 AM; 138 Dirksen Building

House Floor
HR 4366 – Strengthening Education through Research Act
HR 4438 – American Research & Competitiveness Act
10 AM; House Chamber


House Education & Workforce Committee
Big Labor on College Campuses: Examining the Consequences of Unionizing Student Athletes
Full Committee Hearing
10 AM; 2175 Rayburn Building

House Veterans’ Affairs – Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity
Veteran Education
Subcommittee Hearing
10 AM; 334 Cannon Building