Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Richard Shelby (R-AL) and Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT) released a calendar that puts the spending panel on track to finish all the fiscal 2019 bills by June 29. Both Shelby and Leahy are aiming to bring each bill to the floor — for the first time in years — by promising amendment votes to allow for a robust floor debate.
The schedule is as follows:
Week of May 21-25: Energy-Water and Agriculture-FDA
Week of June 4-8: Transportation-HUD and Military Construction-VA
Week of June 11-15: Interior-Environment, Commerce-Justice-Science and Legislative Branch
Week of June 18-22: State-Foreign Operations, Homeland Security and Financial Services.
Week of June 25-29: Defense and Labor-HHS-Education
The House Appropriations Committee has already begun consideration and mark up of the House version of these measures.