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What We’re Reading this Week (April 13th-17th, 2020)

Below is a selection of articles the Federal Relations team read this week.

COVID-19: Stimulus checks are being sent, President Trump issues guidance to states, American protesters demand reopening of businesses, China increases death toll number by 50%, and worldwide cases show no sign of reprieve. Live updates at CNN.

NASA to Launch Astronauts from US Soil: For the first time since the 2011 termination of the Space Shuttle Program, NASA will launch astronauts into space from US soil. The launch is scheduled for May 27th at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Full story here.

Brian Dennehy: Actor Brian Dennehy passed away from natural causes at age 81. Full story at Washington Post.

2022 FIFA World Cup: Former FIFA President Sepp Blatter has said the US could alternatively host the 2022 World Cup. This comes amid new allegations that Qatar bribed officials to be the 2022 host. Full story at ESPN.

World Press Photo Winner: An image by AFP photographer Yasuyoshi Chiba has won the World Press Photo contest for 2020. The image depicts a young Sudanese protester reciting poetry during the uprisings which overthrew President Omar Al-Bashir. More at BBC.

Brexit: The UK has confirmed they will not allow any delay in exiting from the EU despite the current pandemic. Read at Politico.