After negotiations late into the night and leaders finally reaching an agreement, the House today released the conference report containing details for the remaining nine spending bills. The House is expected to vote on the package this afternoon and then send it to the Senate for quick passage. It looks like Congress will remain through the weekend to try and work out a deal to extend the payroll taxcut for another year.
FY2012 Spending Bills Conference Report (HR 2055)
- Overall Discretionary= $518.1 billion, an increase of $5.1 billion over FY11
- RDT&E (Overall) = $72.4 billion, a decrease of $2.5 billion from FY11
- DARPA language: The conferees recommend a total of$166,122,000 in undistributed reductions
throughout the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The conferees
direct the Director of DARPA to provide a report to the congressional defense
committees, not later than 60 days after enactment of this Act, detailing by program
element and project the application of each undistributed reduction
- NAVY University Research Initiatives = $133.2 million
Energy & Water
- Department of Energy overall discretionary = $32 billion, increase of $328 million over last year’s level
- ARPA-E = $275 million, increase of $95 million from FY11
- EERE = $1.825 billion, decrease of $10 million from last year
- Office of Science = $4.889 billion, increase of $5 million over FY11
Interior and Environment
- Department of Interior
- USGS = $1.07 billion, $30 million less than FY11
- NEH = $146.3 million, $9 million less than FY11
- NEA – $146.3 million, $9 million less than FY11
- Office of Science and Technology = $795 million
- HHS overall discretionary = $69.7 billion, decrease of $700 million from FY11
- HRSA = $6.5 billion, decrease of $41 million from FY11
- Health Workforce = $734.4 million
- Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program = $2.33 billion, level funded
- Healthcare Systems = $83.5 million, $3 million cut from FY11
- HRSA = $6.5 billion, decrease of $41 million from FY11
**Note: language included that states that an additional $161.8 million may be used to supplement programs under the sections: “Primary Health Care”, “Health Workforce”, “Maternal and Child Health”, “Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program”, “Health Care Systems”, “Rural Health”
- CDC = $6.1 billion ($38 million above FY11)
- NIOSH (overall funding level)= $182.9 million, also includes language: “in addition to amounts provided herin, $110.7 million shall be available from amounts available under section 241 of the PHS Act”
- Education and Research Centers = $24.3 million
- Agriculture Forestry and Fishing Program = $22 million
- NIOSH (overall funding level)= $182.9 million, also includes language: “in addition to amounts provided herin, $110.7 million shall be available from amounts available under section 241 of the PHS Act”
- NIH = $30.7 billion, $299 million above FY11 level
- SAMHSA = $3.5 billion, $27 million below FY11
- CDC = $6.1 billion ($38 million above FY11)
- Education overall discretionary = $71.3 billion, decrease of $153 million below FY11
- Pell = $5550 maximum award is maintained by implementing the following changes (estimated to save $11 billion over 10 years):
- Eliminate the interest subsidy during the 6 month student loan grace period
- Limit grants per student to max of 6 yrs/12 semesters
- Require HS Diploma, GED/completion of homeschool program for eligibility
- Slight adjustment of minimum Pell grant
- Reduce eligible automatic income level from $30K to $23K
- Pell = $5550 maximum award is maintained by implementing the following changes (estimated to save $11 billion over 10 years):
- International Education = $74.2 million
- IES = $594.8 million
- JAVITS and GAANN programs will be consolidated at the recommendation of the administration
- TRIO = $840 million
- International Fisheries Commission (top line number) = $36.3 million
And this language:
The conference agreement includes funding for the operational costs of the International
Pacific Halibut Commission, including current lease expenses, and the conferees direct the
Commission to fund these costs prior to investing in new programs or expanding existing