The President’s FY2014 Budget, released on April 10th, proposed moving STEM funding from across the federal government to NSF as well as reorganizing and eliminating certain STEM programs. Dr. John Holdren, the Director of the Office of Science and Tech Policy (OSTP), testified to the House Science and Technology Committee today about the impacts on Science and Tech in the President’s Budget. His testimony can be found here.
In addition, OSTP has information on the nature of the reorganization including a listing of the specific STEM education programs that will be eliminated/consolidated across federal agencies, as well as the new STEM education programs that the budget proposes.
5) Higher Education Multicultural Scholars Program (MSP), USDA
6) Women and Minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Fields Program (WAMS), USDA
7) Competitive Education Grants (including Environmental Literacy Grants), Commerce
8) Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program, Commerce
9) NIST Summer Institute for MIddle School Teachers, Commerce
10) NOAA Bay Watershed Education and Training (B-WET), Commerce
11) NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (Education Only), Commerce
12) NOAA Teacher at Sea Program, Commerce
13) DoD STARBASE Program, DOD
14) Iridescent Learning, DOD
15) National Defense Education Program (NDEP) K-12 component, DOD
16) National Science Center (NSC), DOD
17) Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS), DOD
18) University Laboratory Initiative (ULI), DOD
19) Homeland Security STEM Career Development Grant Program DHS
20) American Chemical Society Summer School in Nuclear and Radiochemistry, DOE
21) Computational Science Graduate Fellowship, DOE
22) Global Change Education Program, DOE
23) Graduate Automotive Technology Education, DOE
24) National Undergraduate Fellowship Program in Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy Sciences, DOE
25) Plasma/Fusion Science Educator Programs, DOE
26) QuarkNet, DOE
27) Wind for Schools, DOE
28) Greater Research Opportunities (GRO) Fellowships for Undergraduate Environmental Study), EPA
29) Science to Achieve Results Graduate Fellowship Program) EPA
30) Clinical Research Training Program, HHS
31) Curriculum Supplement Series, HHS
32) NIAID Science Education Awards, HHS
33) NINDS Diversity Research Education Grants in Neuroscience, HHS
34) NLM Institutional Grants for Research Training in Biomedical Informatics, HHS
35) OD Science Education Partnership Award, HHS
36) Office of Science Education K-12 Program, HHS
37) Public Health Traineeship, HHS
38) Science Education Drug Abuse Partnership Award, HHS
39) Short Term Educational Experiences for Research (STEER) in the Environmental health Sciences for Undergraduates and High School Students, HHS
40) Aeronautics Academy, NASA
41) Aeronautics Content – Smart Skies/Product Content Upgrade, NASA
42) Aeronautics Scholarship, NASA
43) Aqua, NASA
44) Astrophysics Forum, NASA
45) Aura, NASA
46) Cassini, NASA
47) Chandra, NASA
49) Design Competition, NASA
50) Earth Science E/PO Forum, NASA
51) eEducation Small Projects/Central Operation of Resources for Educators (CORE), NASA
53) GCCE – Global Climate Change Education, NASA
55) GSRP – Graduate Student Researchers Program, NASA
56) Heliophysics E/PO Forum, NASA
57) HEOMD-NASA’s Beginning Engineering, Science and Technology (BEST) Students (NBS), NASA
59) Innovation in Higher Education STEM Education, NASA
60) INSPIRE – Interdisciplinary National Science Program Incorporating Research and Education Experience, NASA
61) JPFP – Jenkins Pre-Doctoral Fellowship Program, NASA
62) Juno, NASA
64) LEARN – Learning Environment and Research Network, NASA
65) Mars E/PO Formal Ed, NASA
66) Mars E/PO Informal Ed, NASA
68) NAS – NASA Aerospace Scholars, NASA
69) NES – NASA Explorer Schools, NASA
70) Planetary Science E/PO Forum, NASA
71) Reduced Gravity Student Flight Opportunity Project, NASA
72) SEMAA – Science Engineering Mathematics and Aerospace Academy/FIRST Buckeye, NASA
73) SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy) Education and Public Outreach, NASA
74) SOI – Summer of Innovation/NASA IV&V Engineering Apprenticeship Program, NASA
75) Spaceward Bound, NASA
76) STEM Education & Accountability Project , NASA
77) USRP – Undergraduate Student Research Project, NASA
78) Nuclear Education Curriculum Development Program, NRC
As you see from OSTP’s STEM ed fact sheet table, nearly all of these functions and resources will be redirected to ED, NSF, and Smithsonian. The above list provides the detail behind the Cuts, Consolidations, and Savings chapter of the 2014 Budget (p. 175-176 of the Budget), which contains:
Eliminated Programs and Redirected Funding – 78 Programs:
Department of Agriculture – 6 Programs; Department of Commerce – 6 Programs; Department of Defense – 6 Programs; Department of Energy – 8 Programs; Department of Health and Human Services – 10 Programs; Department of Homeland Security – 1 Program; Environmental Protection Agency – 2 Programs; National Aeronautics and Space Administration – 38 Programs; Nuclear Regulatory Commission – 1 Program
The combined 2012 funding for the 78 programs was $176 million.
Internal Eliminations/Consolidations
Below are the internal consolidations, in which funds would remain in the agency. This list is longer than the Reorganized Programs Within the Agency – 12 Programs :that appears in the 2014 Budget volume which included only some NSF and NASA programs.
79) Distance Education Grants for Institutions of Higher Education in Insular Areas (DEG), USDA
80) Resident Instruction Grants Program for Institutions of Higher Education in Insular Areas, USDA
81) Improving Teacher Quality State Grants/Effective Teacher and Leader State Grants Set Aside,) ED
82) Teacher Incentive Fund, ED
83) Minority Educational Institution Student Partnership Program, DOE
84) Environmental Education Grants EPA
85) National Environmental Education and Training Partnership EPA
86) Health Careers Opportunity Program, HHS
87) Short Courses on Mathematical, Statistical, and Computational Tools for Studying Biological Systems, HHS
88) AESP – Aerospace Education Services Project, NASA
89) CEP – Career Exploration Project, NASA
90) Curriculum Improvement Partnership Award for the Integration of Research into the Undergraduate Curriculum (CIPAIR), NASA
91) EFP – Education Flight Projects, NASA
92) ESMD Space Grant Project, NASA
93) HEOMD-Goldstone Apple Valley Radio Telescope (GAVRT) Project, NASA
94) HEOMD-University Student Launch Initiative, NASA
95) Informal STEM Education , NASA
96) Innovation in Aeronautics Instruction Competition, NASA
97) LARSS – NASA Langley Aerospace Research Summer Scholars Program, NASA
98) LERCIP – Lewis Educational Research Collaborative Internship Project (College), NASA
99) LTP – Learning Technologies Project, NASA
100) MSP – MUREP Small Projects, NASA
101) MUST – Motivating Undergraduates in Science and Technology, NASA
102) NETS – NASA Education Technologies Services, NASA
103) NSBRI Higher Education Activities – National Space Biomedical Research Institute, NASA
104) NSTI-MI – NASA Science and Technology Institute for Minority Institutions, NASA
105) Research Cluster , NASA
106) SEED – Systems Engineering Educational Discovery, NASA
107) TCUP – NASA Tribal College and University Project, NASA
108) URC – University Research Centers, NASA
109) Integrated University Program) NRC
110) Climate Change Education (CCE), NSF
111) Computing Education for the 21st Century (CE21), NSF
112) Cyberinfrastructure Training, Education, Advancement, and Mentoring for Our 21st Century Workforce (CI-TEAM), NSF
113) Engineering Education (EE), NSF
114) Geoscience Education, NSF
115) Geoscience Teacher Training (GEO-Teach), NSF
116) Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE), NSF
117) Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12), NSF
118) Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) Program, NSF
119) Math and Science Partnership (MSP), NSF
120) Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education in Engineering, NSF
121) Opportunities for Enhancing Diversity in the Geosciences, NSF
122) Research in Disabilities Education (RDE), NSF
123) Research on Gender in Science and Engineering (GSE), NSF
124) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Talent Expansion Program (STEP), NSF
125) Transforming Undergraduate Biology Education (TUBE), NSF
126) Transforming Undergrad Education in STEM (TUES), NSF
127) Widening Implementation and Demonstration of Evidence-based Reforms (WIDER), NSF
New programs
Finally, below are the new programs, either brand new in FY 2014 or a new start in the 2013 Budget, and in three cases eliminated in the 2013 Budget but restarted in the 2014 Budget.
128) Insular Programs, USDA
129) Fund for the Improvement of Education (FIE): Math Inititative, ED
130) STEM Innovation Networks, ED
131) Office of Science Graduate Fellowship (SCGF) program, DOE
132) Blueprint for Neuroscience Research Science Education Award, HHS
133) Medical Research Scholars Program (MRSP), HHS
134) Student Intramural Research Training Award Program, HHS
136) STEM Accountability and Coordination, NASA
137) Catalyzing Advances in Undergraduate STEM Education (CAUSE), NSF
138) STEM-C Partnerships, NSF
139) NSF Research Traineeships (NRT), NSF
140) STEM Informal Education and Instruction, Smithsonian
The new programs total $634 million in the 2014 Budget.