Chairman Harkin and Ranking Member Lamar Alexander today announced that they are launching a round of Higher Education Act (HEA) Reauthorization hearings over the next several months. The hearings will address a host of education issues and each hearing will have a specified focus. The Senators also issued a call for input from the higher education community, parents, and students.
The first of these Hearings takes place this week:
The Triad: Promoting a System of Shared Responsibility. Issues for Reauthorizing the Higher Education Act
Thursday, September 19th
10 am, 430 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Dr. Paul Lingenfelter, Former President, State Higher Education Executive Officers Association
Dr. Terry Hartle, Senior Vice President, American Council on Education
Dr. Susan Phillips, Provost and VP for Academic Affairs, University at Albany, SUNY
Dr. Marshall A. Hill, Executive Director, National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements