The White House has previously announced that they will submit their FY2015 budget proposal on March 4th, nearly a month later than required. Now we are hearing that they will release the budget request in two installments. The first on March 4th as previously announced, which will include top line numbers. The second and more important installment won’t be released until March 11th, and will include the budget appendix and justifications behind the top line numbers. The budget appendix is the thickest of the budget volumes, containing more detailed information on individual programs and appropriations accounts than any of the other budget documents.
The President’s budget request will be late this year due to the late work on the FY2014 appropriations, which culminated in an omnibus bill approved by Congress just last month. This delay will cause a delay in the finalizing the UW Federal Agenda as we generally wait to see what the President is requesting (or not requesting) before we make our final decisions.
This all means there is still time to weigh in on the UW’s agenda. Please get in touch with the Office of Federal Relations if there is something you would like to flag or have included in the FY2015 federal agenda.