Congress is back for a few days before the Fourth of July Recess. The House and Senate return tomorrow, and the House will recess on Friday making the Fourth a two week recess. The Senate plans on being in session though Friday, June 24th.
The Senate reconvened today and is expected to resume consideration of FY 2017 CJS Appropriations bill. Also for Monday, the Senate has scheduled four votes on competing, partisan plans aimed at prohibiting suspected terrorists from buying guns and strengthening background checks for gun sales. A nearly 15-hour Democratic filibuster aimed at forcing a vote to restrict gun sales prompted the votes, but with 60 votes needed to advance a measure under Senate rules, none of the proposals may have enough support to get adopted.
The House reconvenes Tuesday and is expected to consider measures under suspension of the rules, including several cyber security bills. For the remainder of the week, the House will consider the FY 2017 Financial Services and General Government appropriations bill.