The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) has released a set of FY10 funding recommendations, which incorporate figures put forward last in the President’s Budget Request (PBR). The APLU recommendations focus on agencies/program accounts of interest to the higher education community. The UW Office of Federal Relations encourages feedback our community on the recommendations outlined below. In the coming days, we will provide members of the WA delegation with FY10 funding recommendations.
APLU FY10 Funding Recommendations
A۰P۰L۰U FY2010 Programmatic Target Requests
by Appropriations Bill
(Updated May 2009)
There are many accounts in the Agriculture Appropriations bill of importance to A۰P۰L۰U institutions. For extensive and robust information on these and other priority programs, please link to
Agriculture and Food Research Initiative
· FY10 $300 million
(PBR = $201.5M; FY2009 = $201.5M; FY2008 = $191M; FY2007 = $190M)
* National Research Initiative was merged in AFRI
Hatch Act Funds
· FY10 $225 million
(PBR = $207.1M; FY2009 = $207.1M; FY2008 = $196; FY2007= $323)
Smith Lever Funds 3(b) and 3(c)
· FY10 $300 million
(PBR = $288.5M; FY2009 = $288.5M; FY2008 = $275M; FY2007 = $286M)
Evans-Allen Program
· FY10 $49 million
(PBR = $45.5M; FY2009 = $45.5M; FY2008 = $41M; FY2007 = $41M)
Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
· FY10 $68 million
(PBR = $66M; FY2009 = $66M; FY2008 = $66M; FY2007 = $64M)
McIntire-Stennis Cooperative Forestry
· FY10 $30 million
(PBR = $27.5M; FY2009 = $27.5M; FY2008 = $25M; FY2007 = $30M)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
· FY10 minimum of $7B
(PBR = $7B; ARRA = $3B; FY2009 = $6.49B; FY2008 = $6.06B; FY2007 = $5.9B)
· A۰P۰L۰U is very grateful for the $3B included in the ARRA for NSF. This funding will build both physical and human capital, providing immediate positive economic impacts as well as an important foundation for long-term recovery.
· The America COMPETES Act authorizes the NSF at $8.13B in FY10 (which would amount to a 25% increase over FY09). A۰P۰L۰U advocates for a minimum increase of eight percent over FY09, bringing the FY10 level to $7B, the same level included in the President’s budget request. This funding level would help strengthen NSF’s annual budget so the agency can continue to fund leading-edge research and educate the next generation of scientists. Strong, sustainable and predictable funding levels for science agencies, including the National Science Foundation, will keep our nation globally competitive and will be a key for economic stability into the future.
· The NSF funds merit-based research and supports science, math and engineering education across the country. These activities lead to the science and technological advances which build our economic strength and national defense. NSF investments are also necessary to ensure the U.S. remains a global leader in science and technology.
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
· FY10 $5.0B
(PBR = $4.5B; FY2009 = $4.3B; FY2008 = $3.9B; FY2007 = $3.7B)
o Within NOAA, A۰P۰L۰U advocates the following funding levels.
Sea Grant
§ FY10 $76.5M
(PBR = $55.1M; FY2009 = $54.99M; FY2008 = $57M; FY2007 = $55.4M)
· Sea Grant is a nationwide network of 30 university-based programs that work with coastal communities on research and outreach programs to promote better understanding, conservation and use of our coastal resources. Sea Grant fosters science-based decisions about the use and conservation of our aquatic resources.
Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR)
§ FY10 $471M
(PBR = $404.6M; FY2009 = $396.7M; FY2008 = $398M; FY2007 = $398M)
· OAR provides the research foundation for understanding the complex systems that support the Earth. OAR helps provide better forecasts, earlier warnings for natural disasters and a greater understanding of our planet.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
· Science Mission Directorate
o FY10 $4.7B
(PBR = $4.47B; FY2009 = $4.5B; FY2008 = $4.7B; FY2007 = $4.6B)
· Without at least inflationary increases for its Science program, NASA cannot continue to meet the growing challenges to fully understand global changes to Earth and answer fundamental questions regarding the universe through space exploration.
· A۰P۰L۰U supports the implementation of the priorities in the National Academy of Science “Decadal Survey on Earth Sciences.” This increased funding will further enhance NASA’s ability to meet the challenges of Earth observation and replace an aging suite of monitoring satellites and instrumentation. In addition, this increased funding will enable our nation’s scientists to continue to understand our solar system and beyond. A۰P۰L۰U also supports renewed balance to the NASA science portfolio and the increase to Research and Analysis awards.
· Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate
o FY10 $600M
(PBR = $507M; FY2009 = $500M; FY2008 = $512M; FY2007 = $594M)
· A۰P۰L۰U advocates restoring funding for Aeronautics to at least the FY07 level. The aviation field currently does not have the necessary solutions for a new generation in aeronautics research. Additional funding is needed to answer the questions surrounding safety, capacity and environmental compatibility.
· Although the Aeronautics Research budget has experienced a downward trend in the recent past, the Administration and Congress indicate a renewed commitment to this research.
National Institute on Standards and Technology (NIST)
· Technology Innovation Program (TIP)
o FY10 $70M
(PBR = $70M; FY2009 = $65M; FY2008 = $65.2M)
· The NIST TIP program funds high-risk, high-reward research and development proposals which to U.S. universities, businesses, national laboratories, other organizations and consortia of these entities. High-risk, high reward research has the potential to yield transformational results with far- and wide- ranging implications. TIP-funded research addresses areas of critical national need and is awarded to support, promote and accelerate innovation.
· Manufacturing Extension Program (MEP)
o FY10 $125M
(PBR = $125M; FY2009 = $110M; FY2008 = $89.6M)
· MEP focuses on increasing the competitiveness of the U.S. industrial base by bridging the productivity gap for manufacturers, identifying opportunities for growth, and encouraging technology development. MEP supports centers in every state. The MEP centers are non-profit, university or state-based organizations which provide manufacturers with an array of services that focus on growth, productivity, and efficiency.
Department of Defense (DOD) Basic Research (6.1)
· FY10 $2.2B
(PBR = $1.8B; FY2009 = $1.8B; FY2008 = $1.63B; FY2007 = $1.6B)
· A۰P۰L۰U advocates for a $400 million increase over FY09 for DOD basic research. This is consistent with a recommendation made in 2007 by then-Director of Defense Research and Engineering John Young to Secretary Robert Gates calling for increases of “$300 – $500 million per year” in new funding between FY2009 and FY2013 for “foundational science” (6.1 basic research). The memo warns, “DOD’s Science and Technology investment may be inadequate to meet the imposing security threats that challenge our Nation and may not be adequately robust to take advantage of key scientific and technological opportunities that offer breakthrough advantages to our warfighters.”
· Secretary Gates stated last year, “As changes in this century’s threat environment create strategic challenges – irregular warfare, weapons of mass destruction, disruptive technologies…greater emphasis on basic research…” is needed and “…in recent years has not kept pace with other parts of the budget.”
Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science
· FY10 $5.2B
(PBR = $4.9B; ARRA = $1.6B; FY2009 = $4.77B; FY2008 = $3.97B; FY2007 = $3.8B)
· A۰P۰L۰U is very appreciative for the $1.6B included in the ARRA for NSF. This funding will build both physical and human capital, providing immediate positive economic impacts as well as an important foundation for long-term recovery.
· The America COMPETES Act calls for aggressive annual funding increases for the Office of Science. APLU joins with others in the science community in advocating for an eight percent increase over FY09. This funding would invest in basic research important both to the future economic competitiveness of the United States and to the success of DOE’s mission areas in energy security and national security; advance the frontiers of knowledge in the physical sciences; and provide world-class research facilities for the nation’s science enterprise.
· This funding level would also help strengthen the DOE Office of Science annual budget so the agency can continue to fund leading-edge research and educate the next generation of scientists. Strong, sustainable and predictable funding levels for science agencies, including the Office of Science, will keep our nation globally competitive and will be a key for economic stability into the future.
· A۰P۰L۰U also urges continued, strong support for the Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs) within the Office of Science.
Department of Energy Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy (ARPA-E)
· FY10 $10M
(PBR = $10M; ARRA = $400M; FY2009 = $15M)
· With an initial budget included in both the FY09 and ARRA bills, ARPA‑E is just beginning to stand within the Department of Energy. Although the President’s Budget Request for ARPA-E in FY10 is minimal given the influx of funds included in the ARRA, a robust baseline budget for FY11 and the out-years will be necessary for the agency to succeed in its ambitious mission. Strong university participation will also be key to this success.
· ARPA-E will assemble cross-disciplinary research teams focused on addressing the nation’s most urgent energy needs through high-risk research and the rapid development of transformational clean energy technologies. By leveraging talent in all sectors – from private industry, to universities, to government labs – ARPA-E will foster a robust and cohesive community of energy researchers and technology developers in the United States.
Department of Energy cross-agency Energy Innovation Hubs
· FY10 $280M
(PBR = $280M; FY2009 = N/A)
· A۰P۰L۰U supports the new multidisciplinary cross-agency effort in the President’s Budget Request to create Energy Innovation Hubs. Modeled after the successful Bioenergy Centers, these Hubs will foster research and development consortia comprised of universities, federal laboratories, and federally funded research centers, to collaborate on specific energy challenges. A۰P۰L۰U endorses the request for $280 million to establish the Energy Innovation Hubs that will advance promising research into viable solutions to cleaner and alternative energy.
United States Geological Survey (USGS)
· FY10 $1.3B
(PBR = $1.10B; FY2009 = $1.04B; FY2008 = $1B; FY2007 = $988M)
· University researchers assist the USGS in its mission to provide reliable scientific information to describe and understand the Earth; minimize loss of life and property from natural disasters; assist others in managing water, biological and other natural resources; and enhance and protect the quality of life.
· USGS programs funding extramural research include the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, the National Institutes for Water Research and the Mineral Resources Program, among many others.
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
· FY10 $230M
(PBR = $171M; FY2009 = $155M; FY2008 = $145M; FY2007 = $141.1M)
· The $75 million increase over FY09 would help restore funding to the NEH, which has seen a dramatic decline from its peak budget of $258 million in the mid-1990s. The boost would help address essential needs in humanities education and research, through added support for state humanities councils and national competitive grants programs.
· The NEH is the lead federal agency focused on the development and support of scholarship and other work in the humanities. NEH grants are awarded on a competitive, merit-reviewed basis to organizations and institutions in every U.S. state and territory. Many grants provide significant leveraging of nonfederal giving through matching requirements.
Department of Education student aid/higher education programs
· Pell Grant
o FY10 $5,550 maximum award
(PBR and ARRA = $5,500; FY2009 = $4,850 ($5,350 on July 1 with ARRA funding); FY2008 = $4,731; FY2007 = $4,310
· Pell Grants provide basic college assistance to financially disadvantaged students. The grants are the foundation of low-income students’ aid packages. Over 5.5 million students receive Pell Grants.
· A۰P۰L۰U supports the President’s call to convert Pell Grants into a mandatory program, ensuring that students who need financial assistance are able to access the funds in a predictable manner without needing to worry about whether the program will be funded from year to year. We look forward to working with Congress to bring about this change.
· Javits Fellowship Program
o FY10 $16M
(PBR = $9.6M; FY2009 = $9.6M; FY2008 = $9.5M; FY2007 = $9.7M)
· The Jacob Javits Fellowship program recognizes superior academic ability and is the only federal program that supports graduate students in the humanities and arts.
· Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN)
o FY10 $41M
(PBR = $31M; FY2009= $31M; FY2008 = $29.5M; FY2007 = $30.1M)
· The Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need program strengthens U.S. economic competitiveness by supporting graduate student traineeships in critical fields of study.
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
· FY10 $32.4B
(PBR = $30.8B; FY2009 = $30.3B; FY2008 = $29.2B; FY2007 = $28.8B)
· A۰P۰L۰U is very appreciative for the $10B included in the ARRA for NIH. This funding will build both physical infrastructure and human capital, providing immediate positive economic impacts as well as an important foundation for long-term recovery.
· A seven-percent ($2.1B) increase over FY09 for the NIH is a step to strengthen NIH’s annual budget so the agency can continue to fund leading-edge research and educate the next generation of scientists. Strong, sustainable and predictable funding levels for science agencies, including the National Institutes of Health, will keep our nation globally competitive and will be a key for economic stability into the future.
Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical and Prosthesis Research Program
· FY10 $580M
(PBR = 580M; FY2009 = $510M; FY2008 = $480M; FY2007 = $413M)
· A۰P۰L۰U endorses the Administration’s request and the veteran and research communities’ position to increase funding for the VA Medical and Prosthesis Research Program.
· In addition to considering inflation, the recommended increase in funding will allow the VA to take advantage of burgeoning opportunities to improve the quality of life of our nation’s veterans through genomic medicine, as well as biomedical, rehabilitative, prosthetic, health services, and comparative effectiveness research. The funding will also address the critical needs of returning Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom veterans, and raise the VA-imposed cap on investigator-initiated awards.
Veterans Affairs (VA) Research Facilities
· FY10 $142 million
(Traditionally, a separate budget line for research facilities has not been included in either the PBR or in the appropriations bills.)
· Over the past decade, only $50 million altogether has been spent on VA research construction or renovation, and at only 24 of the 97 major VA research sites. Research ventilation, electrical supply, and plumbing projects appear frequently on lists of needed upgrades along with space reconfiguration and new construction.
· A state-of-the-art physical environment for research promotes excellence in science as well as teaching and patient care. It also helps VA recruit and retain the best and brightest clinician-scientists to care for our nation’s veterans. However, many VA facilities have exhausted their research space. In the 2003 Draft National Capital Asset Realignment for Enhanced Services (CARES) Plan, VA identified $142 million designated for necessary renovation of existing research space and build out costs for leased researched facilities. However, these capital improvement projects were dropped inexplicably from VA’s final report.
Senator Paul Simon Study Abroad Foundation
· FY10 $50 million
(New program – no funding in prior years; no request from the Administration.)
· Request is for new funding to establish an independent foundation.
· Last year, the Senator Paul Simon Study Abroad Foundation Act enjoyed strong, bipartisan support in both the House and Senate, passing the full House and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee without dissent. Ultimately, it was held up on the Senate floor as many worthy bills were. The bill would authorize a Foundation to increase the number of U.S. students studying abroad annually from approximately 220,000 today to one million within ten years. The legislation continues to have strong support in both chambers and A۰P۰L۰U is committed to working with the sponsors to pass and enact the bill.
· The goal of the program is to create a more globally informed and competitive U.S. citizenry by significantly increasing the number of U.S. students who study abroad. This will be accomplished through an innovative federal-higher education partnership. The program would democratize and diversify study abroad participation so that America’s ethnic and socio-economic diversity is reflected abroad. It would send more students to non-traditional destinations, and encourage students of all disciplines to participate.
· $50 million is less than the level included in the authorization bill ($80 million would be the full authorization) currently under consideration in Congress, but will be helpful in starting the program.
Agency for International Development (USAID)
· Higher Education in Africa
o FY10 $50M
(Funding not specifically designated for higher ed in Africa in prior years)
· A۰P۰L۰U is very pleased with the $133 million included in FY09 for higher education programs at USAID and is working to ensure some of those funds support efforts in sub-Saharan Africa.
· Within the higher education program at USAID, A۰P۰L۰U requests designated funding to expand the USAID pilot program to fund long-term partnerships linking African and U.S. higher education institutions and their strategic partners.
· USAID has provided $1 million for planning grants for an initial partnership program between African and U.S higher education institutions. Over 300 proposals came in for 20 awards. The overwhelming participation in this small competition demonstrates the robust interest that U.S. universities have to partner with African universities in building their capacity. The need for investment in higher education is great in sub-Saharan Africa, where institutions of higher education have been critically underfunded and neglected for several decades.
· Collaborative Research Support Programs (CRSPs)
o FY10 $30M and bill language
(PBR = n/a; FY2009 = $29M; FY2008 = $28M; FY2007 = $23M)
· The Administration’s request has not in the past and does not for FY2010 designate a specific funding level for the CRSPs.
· As with FY2009, A۰P۰L۰U seeks to ensure the amount appropriated for the CRSPs is explicitly included in the bill language. Without bill language, and even with strong report language, USAID has sought to cut support for the CRSPs in prior years. The language request is, “Provided further, that of the funds appropriated under this heading, not less than $30,000,000 in core funding shall be made available for Collaborative Research Support Programs.”
· The CRSPs leverage the expertise of U.S. universities to help build human and institutional capacity of developing countries while conducting problem-solving research to improve their agricultural practices and help them feed their own people. This competitively bid program engages U.S. university capabilities for important international development needs. It improves agricultural practices, addresses the food crisis, and helps poor countries feed their own people
· Currently there are nine CRSPs involving researchers at 50 universities in 39 states and territories.
· Long-term Training
o Directive Report Language
· A۰P۰L۰U requests report language to direct USAID to increase the number of long-term trainees by 3,000 in FY2010.
· Long-term degree training in U.S. universities has been one of USAID’s most valuable investments to build human capacity in developing countries and make strong diplomatic ties across the world. Past generations of scientific, technical, and managerial counterparts trained in the U.S. have significantly enhanced their nation’s development, while future leaders have built long-standing personal and professional relationships that are important to U.S. foreign policy objectives, and ultimately to our own national security. In recent years, USAID’s efforts in long-term training have diminished significantly. Even without added resources, USAID can readily increase long-term training by including it as a component of its existing programs.