As noted earlier, the text of the conference agreement on the Labor-HHS-Education/ Defense “minibus” is available here and the explanatory statement is available here.
With respect to defense research programs, the conference agreement would fund them in the following manner:
Basic Research (“6.1” programs)
- Army: $506.9 million
- Navy: $679.9 million
- Air Force: $561.4 million
- Defense-wide: $781.4 million
- Total Basic Research: $2.53 billion
Applied Research (“6.2” programs)
- Army: $1.58 billion
- Navy: $1.02 billion
- Air Force: $1.48 billion
- Defense-wide: $1.99 billion
- Total Applied Research: $6.07 billion
A summary of the defense portion of the bill prepared by the conferees is available here.