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Congress in Recess

Congress is currently in recess for Memorial Day and both chambers are scheduled to return next week.  The Appropriations Committees in both chambers are expected to continue to move forward on the FY2019 appropriations process after they reconvene.




DOE Office of Science Funded at $6.7 Billion in Senate Bill

The FY2019 Energy and Water Appropriations Bill approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee yesterday would fund the Department of Energy Office of Science (Science) at $6.65 billion.  The office is currently funded at $6.26 billion and the Administration requested $5.39 billion for it in FY2019.

Within Science, Fusion would be funded at $425.0 million.

Additional details about the Senate bill are available here.

Senate Appropriations Approves First Two Spending Bills

During a markup session earlier today, the full Senate Appropriations Committee cleared its first two spending bills for FY2019, the Energy and Water Development and Agriculture bills.  They were approved at the subcommittee level on Tuesday.

Office of Federal Relations will provide details as they become available.

2 Spending Bills Clear Senate Subcommittees

The Senate appropriations subcommittees responsible for Energy and Water and Agriculture spending bills cleared their respective bills yesterday.  While most of the details are not yet available, the Energy and Water bill reported out yesterday would fund the Department of Energy Office of Science would be funded at $6.65 billion, an increase of $390 million above the FY2018 level and $1.26 billion above the Administration’s budget request.

In the House, the markup of the Interior spending bill that was scheduled before the full Appropriations Committee has beenpostponed and will be rescheduled after the week-long Memorial Day recess.

Senate Starts to Move on FY2019 Appropriations

The Senate is scheduled to officially start moving on its FY2019 appropriations bills today, with both the Agriculture and Energy and Water bills slated for markups by the respective subcommittees today.  The full Appropriations Committee is expected to take up the bills on Thursday.  Office of Federal Relations will provide relevant details about the bills when they become available.

Meanwhile, the House Appropriations Committee is set to mark up the Interior Appropriations bill this morning.  A copy of the bill and the accompanying report are available here.