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More Information About FY2019 Budget Request

Department of Defense

The Pentagon’s FY2019 budget request includes $445.9 million for the basic research (6.1) programs funded by the Army, a cut of about $41 million compared to the FY2017 level.  At the same time, the budget request asks for $919.6 million for Army applied research (6.2) programs, a decrease of about $300 million from FY2017.

Navy 6.1 programs would be cut by about $34 million and would receive approximately $597 million and Navy 6.2 programs would see a cut of roughly $89 million below the FY2017 level and would be funded at about $891 million under the FY2019 budget proposal.

At nearly $518 million, Air Force 6.1 would be cut by $27 million while Air Force 6.2 programs would see a total of roughly $1.31 billion, a $13-million cut.

Defense-wide basic research program would see a slight bump to $708 million while defense-wide 6.2 program would seen an increase of $207 million to $1.98 billion.

Additional details about the FY2019 Pentagon research budget request are available here.

More Details Available from FY2019 PBR

More details from the president’s budget request (PBR) are now becoming available and Office of Federal Relations will continue to provide further information after additional analysis.


The Administration is seeking to make short-term programs eligible for the Pell Grant program in its Department of Education (ED) PBR.  The PBR also calls for formula changes in the Federal Work Study program while calling for a $483-million cut to the program in FY2019.

In addition, the Administration calls for a $35-million cut to the TEACH Grant program.

The budget would restore $1.6 billion in the Pell surplus.

Additional details about the ED budget are available here.


Within the Department of Interior, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) would receive $859.7 million under the PBR, a cut of more than $200 million below FY2017 levels.

The USGS budget proposes to fund Earthquake Hazards at about $13 million below current levels and would eliminate funding for the Earthquake Early Warning System.  The Administration’s PBR also would terminate the Cooperative Research Units in FY2019.

Additional details about the USGS budget are available here.


As previously mentioned, the PBR would eliminate the NASA Education Office, which would lead to the termination of the Space Grant program.

While the overall NASA Science account would see at modest increase at a total of $5.865 billion, most of the increase would be composed of an increase to Planetary Science.  Earth Science, on the other hand, would be funded at $1.78 billion, a cut of approximately $120 million below FY2017 levels.

Additional details about NASA are available here.


The Operations, Research, and Facilities (ORF) account for NOAA would be funded at approximately $2.94 billion FY2019 under this PBR, a cut of approximately $400 million below the FY2017 level.

The National Ocean Service ORF account would receive approximately $380 million in FY2019, a cut of roughly $138 million compared to the FY2017 level.  This total amount includes a proposed cut of $11.1 million to the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS).  At the same time, the Oceanic and Atmospheric Research ORF account would see a total of $296 million, a cut of $183 million.  Once again, the PBR calls for the elimination of the Sea Grant Program.

NOAA budget numbers are available here.

Senate Set to Begin DACA Debate This Week

The Senate is expected to kick off its debate on DACA this week, perhaps as early as this evening.  As a way to reopen the government after the last government shutdown in January, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made a commitment to allow the Senate to start debate on possible ways forward on the DACA situation if a solution had not been found by February 8.

President’s FY2019 Budget Proposal to be Released on Monday

The Trump Administration is scheduled to release its FY2019 budget request next Monday. While details are not yet available, it is expected that this year’s requests will largely follow the patterns of those from last year, meaning that additional cuts will likely be proposed.  The president’s budget request is only the start of the appropriations process, as Congress has the final say in how agencies and programs are funded.

Congress is still in the process of trying to finish this year’s funding process.

Office of Federal Relations will provide updates.