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Supreme Court Nominee Heads to Senate Vote

As expected, the Senate Judiciary Committee cleared yesterday the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court.

With the committee Democrats boycotting the Judiciary Committee activities, her nomination was approved 12 – 0 by the Republicans.  The full Senate could take up her nomination as soon as next Monday.  Read more about the developments here and here.

Stimulus Bill Fails in Senate

The Senate today voted on a GOP-introduced $500 billion stimulus package, however the bill failed on a 51-44 vote.

Negotiations continue between House Democrats and the Administration. The two sides are potentially very close to reaching a deal on an almost $2 trillion package. Senate Majority leadership reportedly does not support such a large price tag. An agreement would need to be reached between the House, Senate, and Administration in the next few days in order to pass both chambers and be signed into law before the November 3rd elections.

Updates here.

SCOTUS Committee Vote Scheduled for Oct. 22

The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to wrap later today its third and last day of questioning of U.S. Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett.  During the hearing earlier this morning, the committee agreed to officially vote on her nomination next Thursday, October 22, at 1 PM ET.

Read more about the confirmation process here and here.

So It Begins

After much back and forth between the two parties and between Senate Democrats and the White House for the past several weeks, the confirmation process for the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court kicks off today with the first day of her confirmation hearing, which is scheduled to last four days.  The rest of Congress is currently in recess.  Two of the Republicans on the Judiciary Committee, which is holding the hearing, have tested for COVID-19.  Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee for Vice President, is also a member of the committee.

Read more about the confirmation hearing and the process here and here.