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Presidential Proclamation on Entry of Certain Chinese Nationals

Today, President Trump announced the United States will block admission for certain Chinese nationals involved with entities that implement or support China’s Military-Civil Fusion (MCF) strategy. The restriction applies to graduate-level and above students on F or J visas, and the State Department can revoke existing visas.

The full proclamation is available here.

Department of Education Releases Final Title IX Rule

Today the US Department of Education released its final rule under Title IX. The rule prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance. An unofficial copy has been published here and the official version will be published in the Federal Register.

The rule will carry the force and effect of law as of August 14, 2020.

Here is an overview detailing major provisions.

Here is a document highlighting changes between the proposed and final rule.

For more detailed information, the Office for Civil Rights has published a webinar.



President Trump Issues Immigration Executive Order

Earlier this evening, President Trump signed an executive order suspending “entry of immigrants who present risk to the U.S. labor market.”  The order takes effect at 11:59 PM ET Thursday, April 23, and will be in place for 60 days.  The suspension of entry could be extended, if he determines that it is warranted.



Executive Order on “Immigration Ban” Expected Today

Even though President Trump announced Monday that he would suspend immigration through an executive order, Administration officials were still working through the details Tuesday night and the order is expected to be officially signed today.  The “ban” is actually expected to be a 60-day halt on certain kinds of “green card” applications and not a complete ban on the flow of individuals.

Read more about the “ban” herehere, and here.

We will provide further details as they become available.

Deal Reached on COVID-19 Bill

As noted this morning, negotiators had been working to reach an agreement on the next COVID-19-related bill, scheduling a Senate session for this afternoon. A deal has officially been reached on the legislation.

The $484-billion measure includes, among other provisions:

  • $320 billion for the Paycheck Protection Program, which ran out of money next week
  • $75  billion for hospitals and other health care facilities
  • $25 billion for expanded COVID-19 testing as well as the development of a national strategy
  • $50 billion for SBA Economic Disaster Loans
  • $10 billion for SBA Economic Injury Grants

The bill does not include any additional funds for states and localities.

Senate Democrats are calling this package an “interim” measure, fully expecting to take up a “Phase 4” bill later this spring.

The Senate is scheduled to meet at 4 PM EDT with the hopes of passing the bill by unanimous consent.

Read more about the agreement herehere, and here.