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Nomination Schedule

Politico has an excellent overview of the coming nominees for the incoming Administration’s cabinet positions.

Week of Jan. 9

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development 
Nominee: Ben Carson
Background: Retired neurosurgeon, former GOP primary rival
Committee: Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs
Confirmation Hearings: Sen. Mike Crapo is planning to hold a hearing next week
Recent Politico Coverage:

Tuesday, Jan. 10

Attorney General
Nominee: Sen. Jeff Sessions
Background: Alabama Republican Congressman
Committee: Senate Judiciary
Confirmation Hearings: Jan. 10 and 11. More here.
Recent Politico Coverage:

Wednesday, Jan. 11

Secretary of Education
Nominee: Betsy DeVos
Background: Billionaire, philanthropist, Republican megadonor
Committee: Senate HELP
Confirmation hearings: Jan. 11 at 10 a.m.  More here.
Recent Politico Coverage:


Secretary of Transportation 
Nominee: Elaine Chao
Background: Former Labor Secretary under the George W. Bush administration, deputy secretary of transportation under President George H.W. Bush, member of Trump’s Asian Pacific American Advisory Council for the campaign, married to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)
Committee: Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation
Confirmation Hearings: Jan. 11 10:15 a.m. More here.
Recent Politico Coverage:


Secretary of Homeland Security
Nominee: John Kelly
Background: Retired Marine general, former U.S. Southern Command chief
Committee: Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Confirmation hearings: Jan. 11 at 2 p.m. More here.
Recent Politico Coverage:


Secretary of State
Nominee: Rex Tillerson
Background: CEO of Exxon Mobil
Committee: Senate Foreign Relations
Confirmation Hearings: Jan. 11
Recent Politico Coverage:

Thursday, Jan. 12

Secretary of Commerce 
Nominee: Wilbur Ross
Background: Billionaire private-equity investor, founder of the private equity firm WL Ross & Co.
Committee: Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation
Confirmation Hearings: Jan. 12 at 10:00 a.m. More here.
Recent Politico Coverage:

Week of Jan. 16 and beyond

Secretary of Labor
Nominee: Andy Puzder
Background: CEO of CKE Restaurants, which include the Carl’s Jr. fast food chain
Committee: Senate HELP
Confirmation Hearings: The week of Jan. 16
Recent Politico Coverage:

Secretary of Health and Human Services
Nominee: Rep. Tom Price
Background: Georgia Republican Congressman, House Budget Chairman
Committee: Senate Finance
Confirmation Hearings: TBD, the HELP Committee is tentatively set to hold a confirmation hearing on Jan. 18.
Recent Politico Coverage:

Secretary of Treasury 
Nominee: Steven Mnuchin
Background: Former Goldman Sachs executive, Trump’s national finance chair for the campaign
Committee: Senate Finance
Confirmation Hearings: TBD
Recent Politico Coverage:

Secretary of Defense
Nominee: James Mattis
Background: Retired U.S. Marine Corps general
Committee: Senate Armed Services
Confirmation Hearings: TBD
Recent Politico Coverage:

Secretary of Interior
Nominee: Rep. Ryan Zinke
Background: Montana Republican Congressman, former U.S. Navy SEAL commander
Committee: Senate Energy and Natural Resources
Confirmation hearings: TBD

Secretary of Energy
Nominee: Rick Perry
Background: Former governor of Texas
Committee: Senate Energy and Natural Resources
Confirmation hearing: TBD
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator
Nominee: Scott Pruitt
Background: Oklahoma Attorney General
Committee: Senate Environment and Public Works
Confirmation Hearings: TBD


Ambassador to the United Nations
Nominee: Nikki Haley
Background: Governor of South Carolina
Committee: Senate Foreign Relations
Confirmation hearings: TBD


Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Nominee: Rep. Mick Mulvaney
Background: South Carolina Republican Congressman
Committee: Senate Budget and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Confirmation hearings: TBD


U.S. Trade Representative
Nominee: Robert Lighthizer
Background: Trade attorney, former deputy USTR under President Ronald Reagan
Committee: Senate Finance
Confirmation hearing: TBD

Domestic Policy Council, Staff Announcements

Trump has announced his Domestic Policy Team.

Andrew Bremberg, Director of the White House Domestic Policy CouncilAndrew Bremberg worked at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services from 2001 to 2009, including serving as the Chief of Staff for the Office of Public Health and Science. He later served as Policy Advisor and Counsel on Nominations for Senator Mitch McConnell. He worked as the Policy Director for the 2016 Republican Party Platform. He now works in a lead policy and administrative role on the Presidential Transition Team. Mr. Bremberg received a J.D. from the Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law and a B.A. from the Franciscan University of Steubenville.

Paul Winfree, Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council and Director of Budget PolicyPaul Winfree was Director of the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies, the Center for Data Analysis and the Richard F. Aster Research Fellow, all at The Heritage Foundation. Prior to joining Heritage, Mr. Winfree was the Director of Income Security on the U.S. Senate Committee on the Budget. He has a Master of Science degree in economics and economic history from the London School of Economics and a Bachelor of Science degree in economics from George Mason University.

Katy Talento, Healthcare PolicyKaty Talento, an infectious disease epidemiologist with nearly 20 years of experience in public health and health policy, as well as government oversight and investigations and program evaluation, served on the campaign since July 2016. Ms. Talento has spent 12 years in the U.S. Senate, working for five Senators and two committees. A graduate of Harvard School of Public Health and the University of Virginia, she has also worked in the field on disease control programs in the U.S. and in Africa.

Ja’Ron Smith, Urban Affairs and RevitalizationJa’Ron K. Smith has served as a Congressional staff member for nearly a decade. Smith served the House Republican Conference legislative staff under then-Chairman Mike Pence prior to joining the Republican Study Committee to serve on the professional policy staff under Congressman Jim Jordan. He later served as Economic Advisor to Senator Tim Scott and currently works as the Director of External Affairs for Generation Opportunity. Mr. Smith was born in Cleveland, Ohio and is a double graduate of Howard University with a BBA in Finance and a Masters in Divinity.

Rob Goad, Education PolicyRob Goad currently serves on the Presidential Transition as the education lead for the implementation of the President-elect’s education policy agenda. Prior to developing education policy for the President-elect’s successful campaign, Mr. Goad served as a Senior Policy Advisor to House Policy Committee Chair Luke Messer focusing on education issues. He also played a pivotal role advancing school choice policies as Director of the Congressional School Choice Caucus. Mr. Goad received a bachelor’s degree in political science at Indiana University.

John Zadrozny, Justice and Homeland Security PolicyJohn Zadrozny has worked for the past six years on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, and the Senate Committee on the Judiciary for Senator Ted Cruz. Prior to working on Capitol Hill, he served in the Office of National Drug Control Policy and the Department of State. Mr. Zadrozny has a J.D. from Catholic University’s Columbus School of Law in Washington, D.C. and a B.A. in History from Fordham University in Bronx, where he graduated magna cum laude.

Zina Bash, Regulatory Reform, Legal and Immigration PolicyZina Bash has held a variety of positions in business, law and government, and currently serves as the Executive Vice President of Operations and Business Development at Doctors’ Hospital at Renaissance. Her previous positions include Deputy Director of Policy and Communications for Senator Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign and Senior Counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee in Senator John Cornyn’s office. Ms. Bash also practiced law as an appellate attorney at international law firm Gibson Dunn, & Crutcher LLP. Fluent in Spanish as a native speaker, she earned a bachelor’s degree from Harvard College, a J.D. from Harvard Law School and an M.B.A. from Wharton Business School. Ms. Bash also served as a law clerk to Justice Samuel Alito of the U.S. Supreme Court and Judge Brett Kavanaugh of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.

Peter J. White, Senior Policy AnalystPeter White received his J.D. from American University’s Washington College of Law and has worked at the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Communications Commission. Most recently, Mr. White served as Legislative Counsel for Congressman Mo Brooks. Licensed to practice law in the District of Columbia, Mr. White is an active member of the Federalist Society and performs pro bono legal work for the Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless.

Additionally, the following team members are joining the Office of the Senior Advisor to the President for Policy, and will help to develop all policy and administer all functions underneath the umbrella of the Office, such as the formulation of a pro-worker agendaincluding support for affordable childcare and family initiatives.

Office of the Senior Advisor to the President for Policy, Staff Announcements:

Carlos Diaz-Rosillo, Director of Policy and Interagency CoordinationCarlos Diaz-Rosillo brings a wealth of experience on presidential power, administrative action, executive leadership and the policymaking and executive action process to this key role. Mr. Diaz-Rosillo has been serving on the President-elect’s Transition Team as Policy Implementation Executive Authority Advisor and White House Lead. He is fluent in Spanish, and graduated summa cum laude with degrees in International Relations (B.A.) and Civil Engineering (B.S.C.E) from Tufts University and Public Policy (M.P.P) and Government (A.M., PhD) from Harvard University, where he has been a member of the faculty of government for more than eight years.

Vince Haley, Advisor for Policy, Strategy and SpeechwritingVince Haley is a longtime associate of former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich. He served as policy director and later campaign manager of Gingrich’s 2012 presidential campaign. Mr. Haley holds an undergraduate degree from the College of William & Mary, a law and Master’s degree from the University of Virginia, and a Master’s of law from the College of Europe. During the President-elect’s successful campaign, Mr. Haley developed ethics reform policies.

Ross Worthington, Advisor for Policy, Strategy and SpeechwritingRoss Worthington was a longtime aide to former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich. He served as research director for Gingrich, deputy communications director for Gingrich’s 2012 presidential campaign and later as Gingrich’s primary writer. He is a graduate of Brown University, where he concentrated in Political Theory. During the campaign, Mr. Worthington, together with Mr. Vince Haley, worked to formulate and communicate policies that advanced the Trump agenda.

Ryan Jarmula, Advisor for Policy Development and SpeechwritingRyan Jarmula served as a member of Vice President-elect Mike Pence’s staff for a number of years. As a member of then-Congressman Pence’s Capitol Hill office, he handled a variety of issues including foreign affairs, and later served Pence in his capacity as Governor of the State of Indiana as Policy Director for Veterans Affairs and most recently as Speechwriter. During the campaign, Mr. Jarmula worked on Stephen Miller’s staff and had an active role in policy development. Mr. Jarmula is a graduate of Indiana University and completed his B.A. while majoring in political science in 2007.

Robert Gabriel, Special Assistant to the Senior AdvisorRobert Gabriel served as policy advisor on the President-elect’s campaign and assisted the National Policy Director in policy development, speechwriting functions, and staff management. He received a B.A. in Economics with a concentration in Policy from New York University.

Exit Memo

 President Obama asked each member of his Cabinet to write an Exit Memo on the progress made, their vision for the country’s future, and the work that remains in order to achieve that vision.

You can read President Obama’s cover letter to the American people here

OSTP’s exit memo here and can check out all of the other Cabinet exit memos here.

Welcome to the 115th Congress

Happy New Year and Happy Swearing In Day! Congress is back today to usher in the 115th Congress and the inauguration is in 17 days.

First things first. 

Both the full House and new members of the Senate were sworn in today initiating the 115th Congress. With the Republican party in charge of both chambers and President-elect Donald Trump in the White House, an ambitious agenda is in the works, which includes repealing Obamacare and rolling back regulations. 

Those effort starts this week as the Senate is expected to start working on passing a budget that contains instructions for gutting Obamacare this week, with the House following up as soon as next week. That resolution includes instructions to repeal large parts of Obamacare through reconciliation. The measure would instruct relevant committees to write legislation that could undo provisions of the law. Republicans are framing this measure as an Obamacare transition solution, but nothing will actually happens to the ACA yet.

The process in the Senate will take several days of debate and there will be a “vote-a-rama,” a process that often takes several hours over the course of a day and night. The budget resolution and the reconciliation measure repealing the health care law avoids the normal Senate requirement of 60 votes to consider legislation. Any subsequent bills addressing replacement provisions for the health care coverage law will require new budget resolution maneuvering or the cooperation from some Senate Democrats. The legislative process for enacting health care coverage replacement legislation could take several years.

Republican leaders are setting up reserve funds in an otherwise bare-bones FY 2017 budget resolution as a way to allow savings from repealing the health care law to be applied to replacement legislation.

The House will vote shortly after on the budget resolution and that vote could happen by the time Trump is inaugurated. It is worth noting that the budget resolution is not law, but binding and instructing on the House and Senate Committees. 

Rollback Regulations

Trump is expected to roll back nearly every major labor regulation enacted under President Barack Obama. Executive orders will be the easiest to reverse or cancel; that simply takes executive action. On the list could be an order that required prospective federal contractors to disclose previous labor law violations when bidding on large contracts. 

The Department of Labor’s appeal of a federal injunction against the rule will almost certainly be dropped once Trump takes charge of the Justice Department. Another regulation to watch is the fiduciary rule, which requires broker dealers to consider only the client’s best interest when providing retirement advice. Trump may face difficulty squelching the rule before it takes effect in April, but his Labor Department can broaden exemptions and thereby weaken its effect substantially.

Also up for review are visas for guest worker programs. Bipartisan support exists already to scrutinize these programs because of highly publicized instances in recent years of mistreatment of guest workers, displacement of native-born workers, or both. Indeed, Democrats may push harder than Republicans to clean this Augean stable, given the reliance of Trump’s own various businesses on guest-worker visas. The Washington Post counts, 500 since 2013.

Trump’s first big decision on immigration will be what to do about the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which grants deportation relief to more than 752,000 people brought to the US at a young age. Trump promised during the campaign to end the program, which was created by an Obama executive order. But in December, Trump said “we’re going to work something out that’s going to make people happy and proud.”

Looking Forward

As the Trump Administration takes office later this month, lawmakers are also gearing up for new fights. Efforts to undo many of the Obama Administration’s education policies, such as its teacher preparation regulations or rules aimed at cracking down on for-profit colleges, will likely prove contentious. Lawmakers will also likely clash over efforts to repeal the Obama Administration’s regulations under the Every Student Succeeds Act or scale back the power of the Office for Civil Rights.

Additionally, Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Representative Virginia Foxx (R-NC), the chairs of the congressional education committees, both plan to turn their attention to overhauling the Higher Education Act, which was last comprehensively reauthorized in 2008.

Decisions over the details for the Trump proposed infrastructure bill, including how to finance it, will probably come after Elaine Chao makes her way through the confirmation process. Trump’s pick for Transportation secretary is unlikely to face much resistance in the Senate.

Multiple Senate Committees will begin public vetting and hearings of dozens of Trump Administration political appointees, from Secretaries, deputies and administrators, all needing Senate confirmation. Hearings have already begun to be scheduled for next week. 

But what will happen next? Stay Tuned. The Office of Federal Relations will continue to update.