The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor-HHS-Education released their draft FY 2013 appropriations bill this morning, with plans of a Subcommittee markup tomorrow (Wednesday) at 10:00am eastern time. Highlights include:
Pell Grants – The maximum Pell Grant award is increased to $5,635, mostly due to an authorized mandatory cost-of-living adjustment.
Corporation for Public Broadcasting – The bill gradually phases out funding for the CPB over the next two fiscal years. CPB traditionally receives advance appropriations for two years, but this bill rescinds part of the funding previously provided for FY13 and FY14 and provides no funds for FY15.
Program Integrity, Federal College Student Aid Programs: Prohibits any use of funds towards Department of Education regulations to address program integrity for institutions participating in federal student aid programs, including minimum standards for debt loads and repayment by former students.
Prospective Student Disclosure, Federal College Student Aid Programs: Prohibits any use of funds towards Department of Education regulations that would require participating institutions to disclose to prospective students their programs’ on-time graduation, job placement rates, median student loan debt and other requirements that would aid in the decision making process.
National Public Radio – Prohibits the use of funds to acquire programs from or otherwise support NPR.