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Senate Votes Down Two FY11 Budget Proposals

The Senate today rejected alternative Republican and Democratic approaches to the long-term FY11 spending bill.  The House-passed HR 1, which would cut $57.5 billion from current FY11 funding, failed on a vote of 44-56; the Senate Democratic leadership plan, which would cut $4.7 billion from current funding, failed on a vote of 42-58.  Since neither proposal came close to receiving the 60 Senate votes needed to pass, the votes made clear that neither party holds a real advantage at the moment, and that serious negotiations will need to take place before the issue is resolved.  National Journal reports that Senate Democrats also hope to broaden the debate to include other parts of the budget, such as farm price supports and offshore oil subsidies. 

Meanwhile, with little chance that a budget agreement will be reached by the time the current continuing resolution (CR) expires on March 18, House appropriators are developing a new short-term FY11 CR.  House Republicans say that another short-term CR will, like the current one, include a $2-billion cut in spending for each additional week of the CR.    

Washington Senators Murray and Cantwell voted against HR 1 and for the Democratic alternative.

FY11 Debate Continues…

After approving another continuing resolution (CR) last week to run through March 18th, Congress must now get serious about how to fund the remaining six months of FY11, which has been operating roughly at FY10 levels since the start of the fiscal year on October 1, 2010.  The Republican controlled House and the Democratic controlled Senate must find some middle ground – and quickly – if they want to avoid new talks about a federal government shutdown.  And while both parties have agreed to make cuts to reduce federal spending, they are still some $51 billion apart in the amount of cuts that they are proposing for FY11. 

Two weeks ago, the House passed their FY11 measure that would cut $61.5 billion from the FY10 levels.  Conversely, the Senate has advanced a bill to only cut $6.5 billion from FY10 levels.  This is in addition to the $4 billion in cuts that were included in the CR that was signed by the President last week (and runs through March 18th).  This leaves a difference of some $51 billion between the two.  The Senate leadership will allow votes on both measures, which will likely fail, to demonstrate that the Congress as a whole needs to come toward the middle if they are to get an FY11 budget approved.

Most Congressional analysts and insiders have expressed doubts that an agreement can be negotiated by the time the current CR runs out, so further short-term CR extensions will be needed.  Republicans say these extensions would come with further spending cuts.  It’s also possible that further Senate test votes, like those occurring this week, will be needed to further persuade lawmakers to compromise as Democrats and Republicans try to narrow their differences.

The measure proposed by the Senate leadership would include a Defense spending bill for the current fiscal year as Pentagon officials have urged, but at a level $2 billion below that proposed by House Republicans.  Among other differences, Democrats would restore $5.5 billion in cuts that Republicans proposed for the State Department and foreign aid programs; provide a slight increase for Homeland Security rather than a cut; restore $25 billion in GOP-proposed cuts for education, health and job-training programs in the Labor-HHS-Education bill; and add back almost $12 billion for programs in the Transportation-HUD bill, particularly for housing.  

Meanwhile, a wide range of other budget-related action will be occurring in Congress this week.  House and Senate committees will continue dozens of hearings on budget and spending plans for FY12, including those by the House and Senate Budget panels as they prepare to assemble an annual budget resolution in coming weeks.  

On Tuesday, the Senate Budget Committee holds a hearing on the findings and recommendations of President Obama’s fiscal commission, receiving testimony from the commission’s two co-chairmen, Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson.  The pair later that day will be launching “The Moment of Truth Project,” which will provide a platform for them to continue advancing debate on the need to change federal spending and tax policies in order to return the nation to a sustainable fiscal path.

Late last week, House Leadership announced that they will increasingly be considering bills to cut mandatory spending, with the House scheduled to take up two such bills this week. Those bills, which Republicans say would save taxpayers $9 billion, would terminate two of four foreclosure assistance programs that were established to help struggling homeowners following the onset of the financial crisis in 2008.  

And today the Senate votes on a cloture motion to end debate on patent system overhaul legislation.

Short-term FY11 Budget Extension Passed

**Update 3/2, the House and Senate have agreed to a two week extension (along the lines described below) temporarily avoiding a government shutdown at the end of the week.**

Congress and the White House have five days to agree on a path forward on FY11 appropriations, given that the continuing resolution (CR) that is currently funding government operations expires on March 4th. The House and Senate remain far apart on a permanent plan to fund the remainder of FY11. As a result, a two-week CR extension is currently being discussed as a means for buying additional time to reach a permanent agreement. The short-term extension would cut $4 billion from current funding levels, largely coming from an early end to eight programs proposed for elimination in FY12 by President Obama, and the termination of $2.7 billion of earmarks. The bill also provides temporary relief for the Pell Grant program, maintaining the maximum award level at $5,550 for the coming academic year. House and Senate leaders appear to support the two week extension, as the alternative would likely be a shutdown of the government at the end of the week.

House Passes Largely Symbolic FY11 Budget

Early Saturday morning, the House of Representatives passed a spending plan (H.R. 1) for the remainder of fiscal year 2011. The legislation would sharply reduce spending across the spectrum of government, including within research and student aid agencies. The measure passed despite unanimous Democratic opposition joined by three Republican votes against. The House vote sets up a budget showdown with the Senate and White House, which have already stated their opposition. Steps forward will need to take place by March 4th, when current funding for the government expires.

The House considered and adopted a number of amendments of interest:

  • #214:  John Kline (R-MN)—Prevents Education Department from implementing “Gainful Employment” regulation (289 to 136, 1 voted “present)
  • #267:  Steve King (R-IA)—Prohibits use of funds from CR to carry out provisions of the health care law.  There may be an impact on student aid provisions contained in the law (241 to 187)
  • #233:  Ralph Hall (R-TX)—Prohibits use of funds to establish a NOAA Climate Service (233 to 187)

Chairman’s Statement and Successful Amendments

President Issues Veto Threat on House FY11 Budget

Yesterday, Preisident Obama issued a veto threat on the spending proposal (H.R. 1) that is advancing in the House to cut $100 billion from the FY11 request. As widely reported, H.R. 1 would result in severe reductions for nearly all agencies -including those that provide research and student aid support. The Statement of Administration Policy reads:

“The Administration strongly opposes House passage of H.R. 1, making appropriations for the Department of Defense and the other departments and agencies of the Government for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2011, and for other purposes. The Administration is committed to cutting spending and reducing the deficit so that current government spending does not add to the debt and has put forward a plan to do just that. However, the Administration does not support deep cuts that will undermine our ability to out-educate, out-build, and out-innovate the rest of the world. The bill proposes cuts that would sharply undermine core government functions and investments key to economic growth and job creation, and would reduce funding for the Department of Defense to a level that would leave the Department without the resources and flexibility needed to meet vital military requirements. If the President is presented with a bill that undermines critical priorities or national security through funding levels or restrictions, contains earmarks, or curtails the drivers of long-term economic growth and job creation while continuing to burden future generations with deficits, the President will veto the bill.

The Administration looks forward to working with the Congress to refine the legislation to allow critical government functions to operate without interruption for the remainder of the fiscal year underway.”