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Leadership announced for 112th Congress

Congress completed their leadership elections last week, which will take effect in January at the beginning of the 112th Congress.

In the House

Speaker of the House: John Boehner (R-OH)
Majority Leader: Eric Cantor (R-VA)
Minority Leader: Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
Majority Whip: Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)
Minority Whip: Steny Hoyer (D-MD)

In the Senate (no changes from current congress)

Majority Leader: Harry Reid (D-NV)
Minority Leader: Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
Majority Whip: Richard Durbin (D-IL)
Minority Whip: Jon Kyl (R-AZ)


Senate Budget Committee Chairman: Kent Conrad (D-ND)
Ranking Member, House Budget Committee: Chris Van Hollen (D-MD)

Post-Election Legislative Agenda Uncertain

The mid-term congressional elections that took place on Tuesday, resulting in a Republican House majority and diminished Democratic Senate majority, will have a significant impact on issues of concern to the higher education community (FY11 appropriations, DREAM Act, COMPETES Act, tax policy) that were previously slated for consideration during the coming “lame-duck” session. The current Democratic leadership on Capitol Hill may decide, or be forced, to punt many legislative items to the new Congress. It is expected that the new Congress will increase efforts to constrain federal spending. How deeply those efforts impact research and student aid remains to be seen.

The Office of Federal Relations is gathering information on the likely leadership structure of the incoming 112th Congress, as well as on prospects for legislation of interest. A Federal Report will be produced and available on this website during the week of November 7th.

‘Gathering Storm’ Report Revisited

Late last week, the National Academies released a follow-on to their widely discussed 2005 report “Rising Above the Gathering Storm.” The new report, “Rising Above the Gathering Storm, Revisited: Rapidly Approaching Category 5,” explains that many of the recommendations in the initial assessment have not been addressed. The National Academies press release follows.

Continue reading “‘Gathering Storm’ Report Revisited”

New Addition to the Office of Federal Relations

The Office of Federal Relations has added a new member to the team.  Brianna Fields is my new Assistant, replacing Maggie Mount who left our office in early June.

Bri will take over our office administrative duties, as well as provide support for the UW’s overall legislative program.  Among other things, she will be responsible for scheduling appointments on Capitol Hill and for me when I travel back to campus, contributing to the Federal Relations report and blog, monitoring legislation and hearings, and submitting the University’s quarter lobbying reports. 

Bri is a proud Husky, having graduated from the UW last spring with a degree in Political Science.  During her senior year, she completed a 3-month internship at the US Department of Commerce working on legislative and public relations issues.  She also was a Finance Intern for the Obama for America/Democratic National Committee in the fall of 2008.  Earlier this spring, Bri moved to the DC area to start her career in the Nation’s Capitol.  We are lucky to have found her and look forward to utilizing her talents to help advance our federal legislative priorities.

I hope you will join me in welcoming Bri to the UW community!  Bri can be reached at or 202-624-1420.