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House Passes Black-Davis Student and Family Tax Simplification Act

The House passed H.R. 3393, the Student and Family Tax Simplification Act (Black-Davis), by a vote of 227-187 yesterday. The bill combines four education tax benefits into a new, permanent American Opportunity Tax Credit. The higher education community has raised concerns about how the bill impacts nontraditional and graduate students. These concerns were echoed in floor debate by Ranking Member Levin and Representatives Doggett, Rangel, Polis, and Kind.

Republicans who voted for the bill noted that consolidating several tuition tax credits will simplify the tax code and make it easier for students and families take advantage of this tax benefit.

Democrats who voted against the bill cited the fact that there is no funding offset. As such, the bill is unlikely to be taken up in its present form in the Senate.

House Passes Series of Student-focused Bills

The House considered a series of higher education bills this week designed to increase transparency and education for student in how to pay for college.

On Wednesday, the House passed the Advancing Competency-Based Education Demonstration Project Act (H.R. 3136) sponsored by Representative Matt Salmon (R-AZ), Susan Brooks (R-IN) and Jared Polis (D-CO). The bill would:

  • Promotes innovation in higher education by directing the secretary of education to implement competency-based education demonstration projects.
  • Provides accountability by requiring an annual evaluation of each demonstration project to determine program quality.
  • Delivers greater flexibility to institutions that want to provide students a more personalized, cost-effective education.

H.R. 3136 passed the House by a vote of 414 to 0. To learn more about the bill, click here

On Thursday, the House considered H.R. 4984 – Empowering Students Through Enhanced Counseling Act, which would change the requirements for the counseling of students who participate in the federal student aid programs, such as federal student loans and Pell grants.   This bill expands the counseling requirements for borrowers (yearly) and includes counseling on Pell eligibility. This Pell counseling provision may have been spurred with the proposed flex Pell system, allowing year-round Pell,  as outlined in the House Education and Workforce Committee principles document. The measure would promote financial literacy counseling for students so they have more information before making financial aid choices.It would:

  • Require the secretary of education to create a consumer-tested College Dashboard that would display key information students need when deciding which school to attend.
  • Instruct the secretary to provide a link to the page of each institution listed on a student’s FAFSA to make sure students know this information is available.
  • Streamline and eliminates unnecessary information and federal transparency initiatives.

Rep. Derek Kilmer offered and amendment to the measure which would ensure each individual is aware of financial management resources provided by the Treasury Department’s Financial Literacy and Education Commission. The amendment was adopted by a vote of  404 – 14 

H.R. 4983 passed the House by voice vote. 

Student Loan Interest Rates Rise

Annual student loan interest rates increase tomorrow, July 1st. This represents the first full year loan rates will be tied to the 10-year Treasury note under the deal struck by Congress last summer. Rates will rise from 3.86 to 4.66 percent for undergraduate Stafford loans, 5.41 to 6.21 percent for graduate Stafford loans and 6.41 to 7.21 percent for parent and graduate PLUS Loans. The maximum Pell Grant will also increase tomorrow by $85 to $5,730. The Institute for College Access and Success offers a helpful fact sheet breaking down the changes.

House Ed and Workforce Introduce Multiple HEA-focused Bills

Today, the House Education and Workforce introduced several bills to reauthorize the HEA. Earlier this year, the House announced it would take a piecemeal approach to reauthorization rather than a single, large bill.

The committee reiterated this strategy and outlined a number of principles that will guide its HEA reauthorization process in its white paper released earlier this week. House priorities include: simplifying and improving student aid and empowering students and families to make informed decisions. The legislation introduced today includes:

  • Simplifying the Application for Student Aid Act. Introduced by Reps. Larry Bucshon (R-IN), Mike Kelly (R-PA), John Tierney (D-MA), Tim Bishop (D-NY), Jared Polis (D-CO), and Ed Royce (R-CA), H.R. 4982 will reform the federal student aid process to help students make timely financial decisions about their education. To learn more about the legislation, click here.
  • Strengthening Transparency in Higher Education Act. Introduced by Higher Education and Workforce Training Subcommittee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) and Rep. Luke Messer (R-IN), H.R. 4983 will help students gain access to the facts they need to make an informed decision about their education. To learn more about the legislation, click here.
  • Empowering Students through Enhanced Financial Counseling Act. Introduced by Reps. Brett Guthrie (R-KY) and Richard Hudson (R-NC), H.R. 4984 will promote financial literacy through enhanced counseling for all recipients of federal financial aid. To learn more about the legislation, click here.

Higher Ed Legislation Advances

Today Senate HELP Chairman Tom Harkin (D-IA) will introduce his plan to reauthorize the Higher Education Act. The Higher Education Affordability Act focuses on four goals: Increasing college affordability, helping struggling borrowers, strengthening accountability, and improving transparency. These goals will be achieved through 21 action points, including tightening for-profit regulations, better accountability metrics for colleges and universities, and a reduction in loan borrower fees.

The Harkin proposal overlaps ever so slightly with goals outlined yesterday by Congressman John Kline (R-MN) and House Education & the Workforce Committee Republicans. Kline plans to introduce the first of a series of HEA-related bills, which will revolve around transparency, accountability, a simplified aid system, and limited federal regulation. We expect to see this bill later in the week.

Also today, the Senate will take up the Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act (WIOA), which would modernize the workforce education system in the U.S. Democratic Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) and GOP Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA) both spent years negotiating the long overdue reauthorization. Lawmakers will consider the bill under a unanimous consent agreement. This is the first significant step in years toward reauthorization.

And finally, House Ways and Means Committee will mark up today a pair of bills addressing the child tax credit and education tax credits.The education tax bill would streamline a laundry list of credits and expand and make permanent the existing American Opportunity Tax Credit. The Child Tax Credit bill, introduced Monday by Congresswomen Lynn Jenkins (R-KS), would expand the number of individuals and families who can access the credit by increasing the income threshold from $110,000 to $150,000 for joint filers.