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Murray Introduces Bill to Provide In-State Tuition for DREAMer Students

Today, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) and Congressman Jared Polis (D-CO) introduced the Investing IN States To Achieve Tuition Equity (IN-STATE) for Dreamers Act of 2014The IN-STATE for Dreamers Act establishes the American Dream Grant program, which encourages states to increase access to higher education for low-income students, regardless of immigration status. This program would provide $750 million in need-based student financial aid to states that set equitable in-state tuition rates or offer state financial aid to the thousands of undocumented students who graduate from American high schools each year.

American Dream Grants would supplement state financial aid funding, in order to increase higher education affordability for all students. States would qualify for grants by allowing in-state tuition for undocumented students or by expanding access to state financial aid for these students. This legislation is not a state mandate and is fully paid for. Already 19 states, including Washington, currently offer in-state tuition for undocumented students.

At the state level, the Washington State legislature is currently considering a similar measure called the Washington State DREAM Act which would offer need-based aid to undocumented students. Several other states, including California, Texas, Illinois, and New Mexico, already offer need-based grants to undocumented students.

Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) and Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) have also signed on as original co-sponsors of this legislation.

The University of Washington, Washington State University, Colorado State University and the University of Hawaii have voiced their support of the bill.

Additional information on the legislation is here.

Rep George Miller Announces Retirement

Yet another Congressional leader of Higher Education announced his retirement today. Rep. George Miller announced he was retiring after four decades of serving his Oakland, CA district. The right-hand of Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Miller currently serves as the House Education and Labor Ranking Member and has served at that committee’s Chairman as well.

Miller’s retirement opens up internal politics on who will be the next Democrat to lead the Education and Labor Committee. Rep Steve Rothman is the next senior Democrat on the committee.

Finally, due to House Republican term limits, Chairman Kline will need a waiver in the next Congress to remain Chair (assuming the RS keep the majority).  If not, the next Republican leader of the committee could be Rep. Virginia Foxx (NC).

This Week in Congress

Below is an overview of relevant House and Senate committee hearings and markups on the schedule this week.

WEDNESDAY, November 13th

House Education and the Workforce
Federal Student Aid
10am, 2175 Rayburn
Full Committee Hearing

Joint Economic
Fiscal 2014 Budget
10am, 1100 Longworth
Conference Committee Meeting

THURSDAY, November 14th

Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Federal Student Aid
10am, 430 Dirksen
Full Committee Hearing

House Education and the Workforce
ACA in Schools
10am, 2175 Rayburn
Full Committee Hearing

FRIDAY, November 15th

House Energy and Commerce
STEM Education and Manufacturing Workforce
9:30am, 2123 Rayburn
Subcommittee Hearing

House Science Chair: Science vs. Entitlements

House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith, R-TX, published an op-ed in Politico today. In it, he asserts that federal budget is so taken up with entitlements that the nation’s investment in science is suffering and will continue to suffer as a result. Further, Chairman Smith argues that entitlement reform means more funding for basic science and R&D.

Read the full op-ed here.

Next US Under Secretary of Education?

Unconfirmed rumors are that Ted Mitchell will be nominated as the next US Under Secretary of Education, replacing Martha Kanter. Mitchell is currently the CEO of NewSchools Venture Fund and the former President of Occidental College. While Kanter’s career has focused on higher education issues, Mitchell’s background is more focused on K-12 issues. The White House has not yet confirmed this information.