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Summary of President’s FY14 Budget Request

Yesterday, President Obama released his FY14 budget request — nearly two months later than required by law. Much of the delay was blamed on the sequester and the prolonged FY13 appropriations process that resulted in a year-long continuing resolution (CR). In a typical year, the President’s Budget Request (PBR) kicks off the annual appropriations season, but with the delays, Congress has moved forward with their own budget proposals. This leaves us with three very different budget proposals with which to base the annual appropriations process. In other words, the process is once again sure to be a mess come later this fall. Our April Federal Update reviews the PBR and highlights those agencies and programs that we care about the most. You can also access the PBR and all the supporting documents at:

Congress Back in Session

Congress reconvenes this week after a two-week recess. Congress will be looking at the President’s Budget Request, and also wrestling with the debt ceiling, which is expected to expire yet again, this time in mid May. Also on the agenda this week (and through the month of April):  immigration reform, gun control/safety, and FY14 appropriations.


  • The Senate Budget Committee holds a confirmation hearing for Office of Management and Budget Director nominee Sylvia Mathews Burwell.
  • The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will hold a full committee hearing on the nomination of Dr. Ernest Moniz to be the Secretary of Energy.


  • President Barack Obama releases his FY14 budget request (link will be active upon release of budget).
  • The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee holds a confirmation hearing for Office of Management and Budget Director nominee Sylvia Mathews Burwell.

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Dr. Luis Fraga Talks Immigration Reform on Capitol Hill


Dr. Luis Fraga, Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement and Russell F. Stark Professor at the University of Washington, was on Capitol Hill this morning for a presentation on immigration reform. Dr. Fraga spoke to the room of congressional staff about the need for comprehensive immigration reform and how current and future policies may impact UW students, faculty, and the state as a whole. Our very own Congressman, Jim McDermott, graciously introduced Dr. Fraga and opened the discussion this morning.

Today in Congress

The House is in recess this week. The Senate is in at 10:00am and will recess from 12:30pm to 2:15pm for weekly party caucus lunches. The full Senate is expected to consider the nomination of Senator John Kerry to be Secretary of State, following the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s vote on the nomination at 10:00am this morning.

At 2:35pm ET, President Obama will deliver remarks on “the need to fix the broken immigration system so that it is fairer for and helps grow the middle class by ensuring everyone plays by the same rules” at Del Sol High School in Las Vegas, NV.