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Further Executive Actions Related to Race and Equity

On January 26th, President Biden undertook four executive actions related to diversity, race, and equity, spanning several issue areas. The President:

  • Instructed the Department of Justice to not renew contracts with privately-owned prisons. This does not apply to other agencies such as DHS. Full Executive Order here.
  • Instructed the Department of Housing and Urban Development to reassess changes made under the prior administration which made it harder for plaintiffs to prove unintentional discrimination in housing policies, and that HUD should implement the Fair Housing Act’s requirements in a way that prevents practices with an unjustified discriminatory effect. Memorandum here.
  • Reaffirmed tribal sovereignty and directed agencies to submit plans to comply with Executive Order 13175 (November 6, 2000), requiring agencies to engage in regular, meaningful, and robust consultation with Tribal officials in the development of Federal policies that have Tribal implications. Memorandum here.
  • Condemned racism and xenophobia towards Asian Americans, and required that agencies do not use xenophobic language with regards to COVID-19, and directed the Attorney General to expand anti-Asian hate crime reporting. Memorandum here.

DACA Reinstated

A federal court has ordered US Citizenship and Immigration Services to accept new DACA applications and restore two-year work permit validity. Judge Nicholas Garaufis of the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York issued the ruling today. USCIS is required to update information on their website by Monday, as well as develop a mechanism to notify eligible applicants. The Administration has the option to appeal the decision.

Read more here.

SCOTUS Hears ACA Arguments

Today the US Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments in a case challenging parts of the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”). The case will determine whether the mandate to purchase insurance, regardless of penalty, is constitutional. Live updates here.

Amy Coney Barrett Confirmed

Amy Coney Barrett has been confirmed as an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States by a 52-48 partisan vote. Barrett is now the third justice appointed by President Trump to join the Court.

Updates here.