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Perkins Expires

Despite efforts of Senators Tammy Balwin (D-WI) and Patty Murray (D-WA), the Senate was unable to take up the House-passed measure to extend the Perkins program. After the House moved quickly this week to extend Perkins loans and send a measure to the Senate, the two Senate champions attempted to have the Senate quickly consider and pass the measure via a legislative procedure called a Unanimous Consent request. To be considered in this manner, no Senator must object, and HELP Committee Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-TN) did object effectively killing the program, which expired September 30th.

The Senate could still take up the House extension bill that failed to get unanimous consent Wednesday, or Higher Education Act reauthorization could allow for a more permanent reinstatement of a program.


Shutdown Averted

Earlier this morning, the Senate passed a clean continuing resolution (CR) extending federal funding authority until December 11th. Last week, the Senate tried and failed to pass a CR which would prevent Planned Parenthood from receiving federal funds. The measure failed, which cleared the way for the clean CR.

Just now, the House cleared, 277-151, a two-month stopgap spending bill on Wednesday that will avert a government shutdown. Earlier, the Senate passed the measure 78-20. The bill, which will keep the government funded through Dec. 11, is expected to be quickly signed by President Barack Obama.

The measure was approved only with strong support by House Democrats — a sign of just how angry rank-and-file Republicans remain. In one last display of their fury, House Republicans on Tuesday adopted another resolution to cut off government financing to Planned Parenthood. The resolution was to be sent to the Senate, where Democrats were certain to block it.


Power Scramble for House GOP

With Boehner’s retirement announcement, his position, and the power of Speaker, is now up for grabs. His successor — Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is considered the front-runner — may have just as much difficulty in pacifying conservative Republicans willing to hold important legislation hostage to their priorities.

Some ambitious members already in leadership vying to move up the ladder, but the position of Majority Leader seems to have the greatest horse race in the likely event the current officeholder, McCarthy, succeeds Boehner as Speaker. Thus far, McCarthy appears to have little, if any competition.

Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) and GOP Conference Chairwoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) have all been speculated to want to the job and have not been hiding their ambitions. They used the weekend to make calls to colleagues to get commitments of support, and they solidified their whip teams to help make the rounds and nudge undecideds.

Late yesterday, Rep. Tom Price, Chairman of the House Budget Committee, announced his intention to run for Majority Leader with two high profile endorsements of Rep. Jeb Henserling (R-TX), Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), Chairman of the House Ways and Means committee and Vice Presidential candidate in 2012. With those endorsements, McMorris Rogers announced her intention not to run for Speaker and remain Caucus Chair.

Thus far, it is a horserace between Whip Scalise and Pryce for the Majority Leader position. Both are staunch conservatives from southern states. It should be noted that the House GOP conference does not require the current seat holder to withdraw from leadership to run for higher office, so conceivably if Price wins, Scalise could remain the GOP Whip.

Who takes the helm to lead the GOP will have tremendous impact and shape the eventual FY2016 appropriations as well as impact if the functioning of the government.

Perkins Extension Passes House, Still In Danger

The House has passed by voice vote, HR 3594, a measure which would extend the Perkins program for a year until it may be fully considered with the impending Higher Education Act reauthorization, which is expected this fall and spring. The Perkins program would expire on September 30th without the extension.

The Perkins program is a critical tool that allows UW to combine federal funds with additional investment by the university to offer needy students fixed, low interest loans. UW receives more Perkins loan volume than any other public institution in the nation — about 4,700 recipients in the 2013-14 school year for UW.

While the measure passed the House, the fate of the program is unclear in the Senate. Senate HELP Committee Chair Lamar Alexander (R-TN) has expressed a desire to let the program simply expire, which is in line with his ultimate goal of one loan, one form for higher education. Expiration would effectively kill the program.

Senate Democrats are working on passing the measure by Unanimous Consent, but it is unclear if the measure will be considered in time (i.e. today).

Boehner’s Retirement Means CR Likely to Pass

With Speaker John Boehner’s (R-OH) surprise retirement announcement on Friday, the forecast for Congress to actually pass a Continuing Resolution (CR) and keep the federal government operating are better than ever. Last week, prior to Boehner’s announcement, the Senate failed to pass a CR because the legislation included language to withhold any federal funds going to Planned Parenthood. With the failure of that Senate bill, the path was cleared to have the Senate pass a “clean” CR, meaning a measure without political policy riders such as the Planned Parenthood language.

While something may pass the Senate, passing a clean measure in the House was always going to be more challenging given the Republican caucus. Many Republican House Members had declared that they would never vote for a measure that allowed Planned Parenthood access to federal funds.Conservative Republicans have demanded such a provision, but it has already failed in the Senate and the President has pledged to veto it.  Further, the same Members have vocally castigating the Speaker for “compromising” on legislation and working with the House Democratic caucus to craft a bill that would pass the House. Rhetoric prior to the retirement announcement was similar on the CR for potentially eliminating Planned Parenthood language.

Boehner stated shortly after his retirement announcement that he would ensure the House would pass a clean CR, which would fund the federal government until December 11th. Additionally, Boehner has said that he will rely on Democratic support to pass a CR in the House.

While Friday’s announcement may avert an immediate shutdown, what happens later this fall is far from clear. The threat of another funding funding cliff is more than likely, with the expiration date of the short-term CR potentially coinciding with the debt ceiling fight and the expiration of tax breaks. There’s also the highway bill, two major education bills, and reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration.

Congress has until midnight September 30th to pass an appropriations bill to keep the federal government running.

Meanwhile, Boehner’s retirement has set off a scramble for the House Republican Leadership positions, so who will land where, in what role, and how they will handle the ever polarized caucus remains to be seen.