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House Passes Clean Bill to Raise Debt Ceiling

With a vote of 221-201 , the House voted to suspend the debt limit for one year without requiring any offsets. Earlier this week, the House had floated the idea of adding military COLA pay to the measure, but ultimately that proposal and other additions were squashed.

The measure narrowly passed and only passed with the help of Democrats. Only 28 Republicans voted for it, while 199 voted no.

The Senate is expected to vote to approve the measure later this week before they recess to avoid DC’s impending snow storm.

Senate HELP Committee Approves Cordova for NSF

The Senate HELP Committee met in an Executive Session today and approved several Presidential nominations including Dr. Frances Cordova to be the Director of NSF.

The HELP Committee approved Dr. Cordova’s nomination last year (December 18, 2013).  With a new year, the Committee must approve her nomination once again.  From here, Dr. Cordova’s nomination will need to be approved by the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee and the whole Senate as well.


SOTU Tonight

Tonight President Obama will deliver the State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress at 9:00pm ET/6:00pm PT. He is expected to talk about a package of largely recycled proposals that would, among other things, raise the minimum wage, overhaul immigration laws, and authorize new infrastructure spending. He’ll also use the State of the Union to serve notice he’s ready to use executive orders and the bully pulpit to revive his second term and end run Congress on such issues as environmental regulations. There will be sharp focus on the middle class, the economy, and income inequality, and another chance to sell the public on the merits of the health care overhaul. And Obama is certain to highlight issues related to college costs and access that may or may not be viable with Congress.

Washington state’s own Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers will provide the GOP response to the President’s SOTU. We are hoping that she doesn’t fall victim to the State of the Union Curse that has plagued so many before her.

Farm Bill Conference Report Announced

After two years of negotiating, Farm bill conferees announced a sweeping, bipartisan five-year farm bill late Monday. The measure costs an estimated $1.1 trillion and is filled with trade-offs and an estimated savings of nearly $23 billion.

The bulk of savings comes from cutting $19 billion from farm programs, including an end to direct payments to farmers — money that often went to farmers who don’t actually farm. An additional $6 billion is saved by merging 23 separate conservation programs into 13, which is a move supported by conservation groups nationwide. There are $8 billion in cuts tied to the food stamp program which will come largely from increasing the state heating assistance requirement.

The House Rules Committee met late Monday night to fast-track the bill to the House Floor. The bill will come up on Wednesday, before House Republicans depart for their annual policy retreat. The House will consider the conference report well in advance of the House’s Three Day Rule, which requires introduced legislation pend at least three calendar days before it is considered and voted upon by the House. The rule is designed to give Members of Congress and staff time to read and analyze bills.

The text of the bill runs 949 pages and s accompanied by a 186-page managers’ statement.

Already the American Meat Institute and the National Meat Association, who represent cattle, hog and poultry producers, have announced opposition to the conference report and will whip against the bill.

If the House adopts the report, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, said his chamber could take up the legislation sometime during the current three-week work period.

The Office of Federal Relations is tracking this issue and will continue to provide updates.

McMorris Rogers to Give GOP Response to the State of the Union

Washington’s Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, the highest-ranking Republican woman in the House of Representatives, will deliver the GOP response to President Obama’s State of the Union address next Tuesday.
McMorris Rodgers currently serves as chairwoman of the House Republican conference, which is the fourth-ranking position in leadership. She will be the first woman to deliver the official Republican response to the State of the Union during Obama’s time in the White House.