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This Week in Congress

Below is an overview of relevant House and Senate committee hearings and markups on the schedule this week.

WEDNESDAY, November 13th

House Education and the Workforce
Federal Student Aid
10am, 2175 Rayburn
Full Committee Hearing

Joint Economic
Fiscal 2014 Budget
10am, 1100 Longworth
Conference Committee Meeting

THURSDAY, November 14th

Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Federal Student Aid
10am, 430 Dirksen
Full Committee Hearing

House Education and the Workforce
ACA in Schools
10am, 2175 Rayburn
Full Committee Hearing

FRIDAY, November 15th

House Energy and Commerce
STEM Education and Manufacturing Workforce
9:30am, 2123 Rayburn
Subcommittee Hearing

Budget Conference Committee Meets Today

Formal budget negotiations begin today with Democrats pushing for a multibillion-dollar job creation package aimed at speeding up economic growth. That will be in contrast with Republicans who want to maintain spending cuts under sequestration that will keep government operations running at reduced levels through the rest of FY2014. One thing that leaders in both parties already agree to: no grand bargain. The conference has until December 13th to recommend a plan under an agreement linked to spending and debt limit legislation that was passed October 16th (PL 113-46).

The goal for most of the budget conference committee members is to find a way to replace sequestration and agree on an overall FY2014 spending limit. While the House and Senate budget plans introduced earlier this year are far apart on tax and spending policy, they are somewhat closer on the more immediate issue of FY2014 discretionary spending. The House proposes an overall discretionary cap of $967 billion, $91 billion less than the Senate’s limit of $1.058 trillion. Absent an agreement on FY2014 funding, automatic spending cuts under the sequester would reduce spending by about $20 billion from current levels, to $498 billion for defense and $469 billion for domestic programs.

The House and Senate are both scheduled to recess next week through Veteran’s Day, and then will return to DC to continue negotiations. They will work for two weeks in November, and then take a two-week recess for Thanksgiving (November 25-December 6). That will leave just one week in December to complete work on the budget negotiations before the December 13th deadline. Again, most of the real negotiations will take place behind the scenes so the truncated work schedule should not affect the outcome that much. If a deal is not reached by the December deadline, Congressional leaders may need to consider another continuing resolution to keep government funded beyond January 15th.

House Science Chair: Science vs. Entitlements

House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith, R-TX, published an op-ed in Politico today. In it, he asserts that federal budget is so taken up with entitlements that the nation’s investment in science is suffering and will continue to suffer as a result. Further, Chairman Smith argues that entitlement reform means more funding for basic science and R&D.

Read the full op-ed here.

Shutdown: Day 16 and Default Looming

Negotiations broke down (again) yesterday as the House GOP leadership failed to find enough support among their caucus to move forward two separate proposals to end the shutdown and raise the nation’s debt limit. All eyes are on the Senate as they resume negotiations. The tentative deal under discussion in the Senate would reopen the government by extending current funding levels of $986 billion through January 15th, lift the debt ceiling until February 7th, and start a budget conference with instructions that it report a broader budget deal by December 13th. The December date is significant because it would give Congress time between now and then to negotiate a broader budget agreement to potentially modify or end sequestration before the next round of cuts are scheduled to hit in January.

The deal being discussed is expected to contain a single change in the 2010 health care law: stricter efforts to verify the income of individuals who apply for subsidies under the Affordable Care Act. The proposal would also allow the Treasury Department to use extraordinary measures when approaching a future debt limit. And finally there is support in both parties for a provision that would give agencies more flexibility to implement future sequestration cuts rather than just applying those cuts across-the-board.

Meanwhile, financial markets and credit ratings agencies are monitoring the action on Capitol Hill for any signs of a standoff that could lead to default. There is great uncertainty over when exactly the Treasury Department would run out of money if there is a default. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has said the government would only have $30 billion in cash on hand beyond Thursday to meet obligations.