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Trump Names nominees for HHS Secretary and CMS Administrator

Early today, President-elect Trump announced he has selected Congressman Tom Price (R-GA) as his nominee for Secretary of HHS and Seema Verma as Administrator of CMS.

Rep Tom Price (R-GA)

Price is the current House Budget Committee Chairman. An orthopedic surgeon by trade and a staunch conservative, Price has been a vocal and active opponent of the ACA since its inception. He began his rise through House leadership starting as Chairman for the influential, conservative House Republican Study Committee. He is a six term Congressman and was a state legislator for nine years. Also, he was a Trump healthcare surrogate during the campaign.

Since 2009, Price has championed his own legislation, H.R. 2300 the Empowering Patients First Act, to repeal the ACA. In its latest iteration, the proposal includes refundable, age-adjusted tax credits for individuals to buy insurance if they don’t have access to coverage through an employer or government program. Individuals in a government program, such as Medicare, Medicaid, or Tricare, would also be allowed to opt out of that coverage and receive tax credits toward the cost of private coverage instead. 

Price attended University of Michigan for undergrad and medical school, his residency was at Emory, and he was medical director of the orthopedic clinic at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta.

Seema Verma

Verma is the founder and CEO of SVC, Inc., a health policy consulting firm. Verma has strong ties to Vice President-elect Pence as she lead the health overhaul for the state of Indiana. She also was the architect of the Healthy Indiana Plan, the state’s 2015 Medicaid expansion waiver.  She was active in crafting the Republican Governors Association’s Public Policy Committee Report, A New Medicaid: A Flexible, Innovation and Accountable Future, which established seven principles for Medicaid.

She has a Master’s degree in Public Health with concentration in health policy and management from Johns Hopkins University and a Bachelor’s degree in Life Sciences from the University of Maryland.

DeVos to be ED Secretary

President-elect Donald Trump is nominating Betsy DeVos for Education Secretary. A billionaire GOP donor, she also once served as head of the Michigan Republican Party.

DeVos is a vocal advocate of allowing parents to use school vouchers to seek alternative schools and other policies strongly opposed by teachers unions. She is the current chairwoman of the American Federation for Children, an education advocacy group pushing school-choice-friendly policies.



Trump Won’t Prosecute Clinton

Today on the MSNBC program, Morning Joe, Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway said that President-elect Trump will not pursue prosecution of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, when Trump is President.  While on the campaign, Trump repeatedly promised to appoint a special prosecutor to pursue the investigations, arguing that President Obama and the Clintons had used their influence to shape the Justice Department’s investigation. Additionally, during Trump rallies, it was common to hear the chant “Lock her up.”

During a 60 Minutes interview earlier this month, President-elect Trump said that prosecuting Clinton would not be a priority for his administration.


Trump’s First Cabinet Picks Announced

The Trump transition team has announced it’s first picks for the cabinet. 

National Security Advisor: Michael Flynn, Retired General – Flynn served as one of the Trump’s top confidants during the campaign, joining him during some of his early intelligence briefings. Flynn gained a reputation as a skilled but combative intelligence officer during his 33-year career. However, he was forced out as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014. He’s expected to bring an aggressive posture to foreign policy matters, and is known for his hardline views on Islam.

Attorney General: Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) – Senator Sessions was one of Trump’s earliest supporters and served as an advisor on the campaign trail. He was first elected to the Senate in 1996, prior to which he was a U.S. Attorney in Mobile, Alabama, and Alabama Attorney General. He is known for his hardline views on immigration and his appointment has been criticized by some because his nomination to become a federal judge was rejected by the Republican-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee some thirty years ago due to racially charged comments and actions.

CIA Director: Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS) – Pompeo serves on the House Intelligence and Benghazi committees. Prior to his election to Congress in 2010, he was an executive in the aerospace and oil industries. He served in the Army for five years and has degrees from Harvard Law and West Point. 

Trump is headed out to his golf course in Bedminster, NJ, for the weekend. He is expected to meet with Mitt Romney, education reform leaders Michelle Rhee and Betsy DeVos, and a number of other individuals. Next week, we expect the transition team to announce picks for Treasury, Commerce, US Trade Representative, Small Business Administration, Federal Communications Commission, and Social Security Administration.