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Moniz sworn in as Secretary of Energy

Dr. Ernest Moniz was sworn in as Energy secretary in the department’s cafeteria this morning. Moriz was overwhelmingly approved by the Senate on May 16. Moniz, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology physicist, begins with bipartisan endorsement after his 97-0 confirmation.
His predecessor, Steven Chu, also won unanimous confirmation in 2009 before battling with GOP lawmakers over green energy loans, climate legislation and more — so there’s plenty of time and opportunity for collision with lawmakers from both parties.
Chu stepped down in April 2013 and Deputy Energy Secretary Daniel Poneman has been Acting Secretary since that time.


Chairman of the House Science Committee vs. NSF — the fight escalates

In what appears to be an ever escalating battle, the National Science Foundation (NSF) today officially refused to comply with a request to supply reviewer comments to five grants questioned by House Science, Space and Technology Chairman, Lamar Smith (R-TX).

On April 25th, Chairman Smith sent a letter to the NSF, which asked for an explanation by NSF as to how five grants adhered to NSF’s “intellectual merit” guidelines. The grants in question were:

  • Award Abstract #1247824: “Picturing Animals in National Geographic, 1888-2008,” March 15, 2013, ($227,437);
  • Award Abstract #1230911: “Comparative Histories of Scientific Conservation: Nature, Science, and Society in Patagonian and Amazonian South America,” September 1, 2012 ($195,761);
  • Award Abstract #1230365: “The International Criminal Court and the Pursuit of Justice,” August 15, 2012 ($260,001);
  • Award Abstract #1226483, “Comparative Network Analysis: Mapping Global Social Interactions,” August 15, 2012, ($435,000); and
  • Award Abstract #1157551: “Regulating Accountability and Transparency in China’s Dairy Industry,” June 1, 2012 ($152,464).

Continue reading “Chairman of the House Science Committee vs. NSF — the fight escalates”

This Week in Congress

Below are some upcoming congressional hearings scheduled that we will be keeping our eye on and may be of interest to the UW community.

TUESDAY, May 7, 2013

Senate Appropriations
10:30 a.m. May 7, 124 Dirksen Bldg.
Subcommittee Hearing
Interior, Environment and Related Agencies Subcommittee (Chairman Reed, D-R.I.) of Senate Appropriations Committee will hold hearings on proposed fiscal 2014 appropriations for agencies, programs and activities under its jurisdiction.

Sally Jewell, secretary of the Interior
David Hayes, deputy secretary of the Interior
Rhea Suh, assistant secretary of the Interior for policy, management and budget
Pam K. Haze, deputy assistant secretary of the Interior, Office of Budget, Finance, Performance and Acquisition

Senate Appropriations
9:30 a.m. May 7, B-308 Rayburn Bldg.
Subcommittee Hearing
Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Subcommittee (Chairman Simpson, R-Idaho) of House Appropriations Committee will hold hearings on proposed fiscal 2014 appropriations for agencies, programs and activities under its jurisdiction.

Neil Kornze, principal deputy director, Bureau of Land Management

Continue reading “This Week in Congress”

Summary of President’s FY14 Budget Request

Yesterday, President Obama released his FY14 budget request — nearly two months later than required by law. Much of the delay was blamed on the sequester and the prolonged FY13 appropriations process that resulted in a year-long continuing resolution (CR). In a typical year, the President’s Budget Request (PBR) kicks off the annual appropriations season, but with the delays, Congress has moved forward with their own budget proposals. This leaves us with three very different budget proposals with which to base the annual appropriations process. In other words, the process is once again sure to be a mess come later this fall. Our April Federal Update reviews the PBR and highlights those agencies and programs that we care about the most. You can also access the PBR and all the supporting documents at: