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Department of Energy Announces Details on Hubs

Department of Energy to Invest $366M in Energy Innovation Hubs

Funding Opportunity Announcement for Fuels from Sunlight Hub is Issued

Washington, DC – U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu today outlined the Department’s plans to invest up to $366 million to establish and operate three new Energy Innovation Hubs focused on accelerating research and development in three key energy areas.  Each Hub, to be funded at up to $122 million over five years, will bring together a multidisciplinary team of researchers in an effort to speed research and shorten the path from scientific discovery to technological development and commercial deployment of highly promising energy-related technologies. 

 “Given the urgency of our challenges in both energy and climate, we need to do everything we can to mobilize our Nation’s scientific and technological talent to accelerate the pace of innovation,” said Secretary Chu.  “The DOE Energy Innovation Hubs represent a new, more proactive approach to managing and conducting research.  We are taking a page from America’s great industrial laboratories in their heyday.  Their achievements—from the transistor to the information theory that makes modern telecommunications possible—are evidence that we can build creative, highly-integrated research teams that can accomplish more, faster, than researchers working separately.”

The Hubs are part of a broad-based clean energy research strategy by the Obama Administration that will harness America’s innovation machine to achieve the breakthroughs we need.

This strategy includes three new initiatives which are designed to complement each other: Continue reading “Department of Energy Announces Details on Hubs”

FY10 Appropriations Process Comes to an End

**Chart Updated 12/22**

With passage of the Defense Appropriations bill in the Senate over the past weekend, the FY10 appropriations process came to an end. The 2010 process included nearly $11 million of appropriations specifically for the University of Washington, including: $4.6 million for the Institute for Simulation and Interprofessional Studies, $4 million for the Puget Sound Ecosystem Research Initiative, $1 million for the Washington Biofuels Industry Development Project, $880,000 for the NW National Marine Renewable Energy Center, and $200,000 for the UW Bothell Nursing Faculty Consortium Training Program. Coverage of important federal agnecy/program figures can be founds here. In many cases, federal agencies that received significant funding through the Recovery Act (e.g. NIH, NSF, DoE Office of Science) saw only modest increases in the regular appropriations process.

Bill House Committee Full House Senate Committee Full Senate House Conference Senate Conference President
Agriculture 6/18 7/9 7/7 8/4 10/7 10/8 10/21
Commerce, Justice, Science 6/9 6/18 6/25 11/5 12/10 12/13  12/16 
Defense 7/22 7/30 9/10 10/6 12/16  12/19 12/19
Energy and Water 7/7 7/17 7/9 7/29 10/1 10/15 10/28
Financial Services 7/7 7/16 7/9 12/13  12/10  12/13  12/16 
Homeland Security 6/12 6/24 6/18 7/9 10/15 10/20 10/28
Interior, Environ. 6/18 6/26 6/25 9/24 10/29 10/29 10/31
Labor-HHS-Education 7/17 7/24 7/30 12/13  12/10  12/13  12/16
Leg. Branch 6/12 6/19 6/18 7/6 9/25 9/29 10/1
Military Con.-VA 6/23 7/10 7/7 11/17 12/10  12/13  12/16 
State-For. Ops. 6/23 7/9 7/9 12/13  12/10  12/13  12/16
Transpo.-HUD 7/17 7/23 7/30 9/17 12/10  12/13  12/16

This Week on Capitol Hill December 7-11


The House convenes at noon on Monday to consider a number of parks and lands bills.

Tuesday and The Balance Of The Week  —  The House convenes at 10 am for legislative business. Members will consider a number of bills under suspension of the rules, including an FAA extension, bills on consumer data privacy,  Andean  trade preferences, extending expiring tax provisions, and a package of financial regulations.


The Senate convenes at 10 am Monday to continue debate on amendments to the health care overhaul bill.  Roll call votes expected.

 Source: CQ Today Print Edition

This Week on Capitol Hill Nov 30 – Dec 4

The Senate reconvened Monday, November 30, to begin formal debate on the health care legislation; the debate will most likely last through the month of December.

The House will reconvene Tuesday at 2:00 pm, with votes postponed until 6:30 pm.  It will consider measures under suspension of the rules, including HR 3598, the Energy and Water Research Integration Act.

Senate Committee Meetings

Wednesday, 12/2:

Energy & Natural Resources will hold a full committee hearing on Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

Thursday, 12/3:

  • Energy & Natural Resources will hold a full committee hearing on Medical Isotopes Production.
  • Indian Affairs will mark up a bill on  Indian Youth suicide Prevention; Indian Health Care, and will also hold a full committee oversight hearing on Dental Health Care for Indians and Underfunding of Indian Health Services.

House Committee Meetings

Wednesday, 12/2:

  • Agriculture will hold a subcommittee hearing on the Economic Impact of Climate Change.  
  • Select Energy Independence & Global Warming  will hold a full committee hearing on the State of Climate Science.
  • Veterans’ Affairs will hold a full committee hearing on VA Health Care Funding.

Thursday, 12/3:

  • Oversight & Government Reform will hold a subcommittee hearing on Marine and Hydrokinetic Energy.
  • Veterans’ Affairs will hold a subcommittee hearing on Veterans’ Education Issues.

Source: Alert

Higher Education Associations Set to Launch Recovery Act Successes Website

Several national higher education advocacy associations — Association of American Universities (AAU), the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU), and The Science Coalition (TSC) — are preparing to launch; an effort to highlight important research made possible at institutions across the country through funding provided in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). University-based projects, including from the UW, will be highlighted on the website. The official lauch will take place on Tuesday November 17th at a session on Capitol Hill in DC. A draft press release is provided below.

For Planning Purposes Only:                  
November 17, 2009      


Barry Toiv 202/898-7847
Paul Hassen 202/478-6073
Ashley Prime  202/429-4002

Members of Congress, Scientists to Highlight Stimulus-funded Research and its Role in Recovery and Reinvestment Nationwide Continue reading “Higher Education Associations Set to Launch Recovery Act Successes Website”