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This Week on Capitol Hill November 9-13

The House is not in session this week.   Over the weekend, however, the House passed their version of the health care bill, 220-215.

The Senate will be in session on Monday and Tuesday only.    The Senate will take up HR 3082, Military Construction – VA Spending.

Senate Committee Meetings — Tuesday

  • Budget — full committee hearing on Proposals for Long-Term Fiscal Stability;
  • will hold a full committee hearing on Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions;
  • Finance full committee hearing on Climate Change Legislation and Jobs.

Source:  CQ Weekly Printed Edition

UW Week Article Features Support for UW Role in Puget Sound Partnership

UW’s newly-formed Puget Sound Institute to advise in the clean-up of the Sound
By Sandra Hines

News and Information

The $50 million appropriated by Congress last week to the Puget Sound Partnership for the clean-up of Puget Sound includes $4 million for the UW to launch an institute to provide expert advice about the Sound, based on the best-available science, to the partnership, policy makers and citizens.

The newly funded UW Puget Sound Institute is designed to be the bridge between the scientific community and those charged with restoring and protecting Puget Sound, says Joel Baker, UW Tacoma professor and science director of the Center for Urban Waters. The initiative is a partnership between the center and the UW’s new College of the Environment. Among other things the institute will convene panels of experts, much as the National Research Council does. Continue reading “UW Week Article Features Support for UW Role in Puget Sound Partnership”

Department of State Seeks Comment on Exchange Visitors Program

The U.S. Department of State is seeking feedback on proposed regulatory changes in its Exchange Visitor Program, which effects foreign faculty, researchers, and students.  The proposed rules, which are open to public comment through November 23, 2009, amend Subpart A, General Provisions, of the J exchange visitor regulations. The notice can be found at:

This Week on Capitol Hill Octer 12-16

[Please note that times listed are all Eastern Daylight Time.]

 Neither the House nor the Senate is in session on Monday, October 12, in observance of Columbus Day.

 The Senate:

  • Convenes Tuesday at 2:00 pm (EDT) to consider HR 2847, the fiscal 2010 Commerce-Justice-Science spending bill.   A procedural vote on a substitute amendment is expected Tuesday. 
  • On Wednesday (tentative schedule), the Senate will consider HR 3183, the 2010 Energy-Water spending conference report and HR 2647, the Defense Authorization Conference Report. 

The House:

Convenes on Tuesday at 2:00 pm (EDT).

  • Tuesday vote on Iran sanctions as well as a number of commemorative resolutions.
  • Later in the week the House is expected to take up more spending bills.
  • Convenes at 10:00 am on Wednesday and Thursday, and at 9:00 am on Friday.



  • Senate Finance votes on draft health care overhaul legislation.  10:00 am.
  • Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions votes on nominations.  10:00 am


  • House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Environment marks up legislation regarding water security (HR 3258), chemical facility security (HR 2868) and isotope production (HR 3276).  10:00 am.
  • House Judiciary marks up legislation regarding internment of Latin Americans during World War II (HR 42), wartime treatment study (HR 1425), and national and commercial space programs (HR 3237). 10:15 am.
  • House Science and Technology Subcommittee on Technology and Innovation marks up draft legislation to reauthorize fire grants. 2:00 pm;
  • House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee marks up draft legislation on AIDS treatment.  3:00 pm.

 Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday:

  • House Financial Services marks up draft legislation regarding over-the-counter derivatives, as well as bills on consumer protection (HR 3126 & HR 3639) and business protection (HR 3763). 10:00 am all three days.


  • Senate Judiciary marks up legislation on a media shield law (S 448), generic drug availability (S 369), and radio royalties (S 379) and also votes on nominations.  10:00 am;  
  • House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere marks up drug policy legislation (HR 2134). 2:10 pm. 

 Source: CQ Today Print Edition

This Week on Capitol Hill, October 5-9

The Senate reconvenes Monday to take up the fiscal 2010 Commerce-Justice-Science spending bill.  The Senate is also expected to finiah work on the fiscal 2010 Defense spending bill.

The House does not reconvene until Tuesday when it will consider a number of minor resolutions.  Later in the week, the House will vote on a bill to allow advance budgeting for veterans’ health accounts.  The House is likely to adopt reports for fiscal 2010 agriculture spending and Homeland Security spending before the end of the week.  It’s possible that the House may also vote on a defense authorization bill this week.



House Science and Technology Committee  will mark up bills on algal blooms, solar technology research, and energy and water research.


Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday — House Financial Services hearings on financial regulatory overhaul

Wednesday — House Energy & Commerce subcommittee hearing on Green Technology.

Wednesday — House Oversight & Government Reform subcommittee hearing on Improving Dental Care for Medicaid Eligible Families.  Dr.  Joel Berg, Chairman of Pediatric Dentistry at the University of Washington, is scheduled to testify.

Source:  CQ Today