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Funding Crisis Averted, Tax Bill is Signed Today

both chambers of Congress passed yet another FY2018 continuing resolution this evening, the House by a vote of 231-188 and the Senate by a vote of 66-32.  This most recent CR would keep the government running through 19 January, and has been sent to the president for his signature, just a day before the current CR is set to expire.

To avoid a Christmas shutdown, the  the House released the text of a short-term Continuing Resolution (CR) that funds the federal government through January 19, 2018 late Wednesday night.   Conservatives and defense hawks wanted a full Pentagon budget adopted, the measure was certain to be rejected in the Senate, where Democrats were poised to block it. However, the House leadership concession to defense hawks the CR would add $4 billion for missile defense and $700 million to repair damaged Navy ships.

The measure also would include some temporary extensions for the Children’s Health Insurance Program until March 31, the National Flood Insurance Program, and an extension of the Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act until January 19.

Of final note, the CR includes language to waive the $125 billion in statutory automatic “PAYGO” cuts that would otherwise be triggered because of the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax bill which Congress passed earlier this week.

The House and Senate have adjourned until the new year.

Meanwhile, with the PAYGO provisions waived, the White House will have a signing ceremony for the tax bill passed earlier this week.

Final Tax Bill Passed by House

Earlier this afternoon, the House cleared by a vote of 227 to 203 the final version of the tax reform legislation.  H. R. 1 is now headed to the Senate.

In the end, 12 Republicans joined 191 Democrats in opposing the bill.

House Releases $81 Billion Supplemental

Totaling $81 billion, the supplemental spending bill (HR 4667) released Monday evening is $37 billion more than the $44 billion the Trump Administration requested in mid-November. As supplemental appropriations, the money is designated as emergency spending, which does not require offsets under congressional budget rules. The White House included a list of offsets, which can be found here.

If approved as is, this latest disaster aid bill would bring the emergency spending total to $132.75 billion this year — significantly surpassing the $60 billion spent in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy and the $120 billion appropriated after Hurricane Katrina.

The bill includes:

  • $27.6 billion for the Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • $26.1 billion for Community Development Block Grants for disaster recovery
  • $12.1 billion for the Army Corps of Engineers
  • $3.8 billion for agriculture recovery
  • $2.9 billion to assist schools in affected areas to rebuild and refurbish
  • $1.6 billion for the Small Business Administration disaster loan program
  • $1.5 billion to repair military facilities
  • $1.4 billion for damages to federal highways
  • $600 million in economic development grants

The bill includes language that would allow individuals who have lost property to wildfires to deduct damage costs on their taxes, would remove the penalty for withdrawing money from a retirement account and would incentivize donations to people and regions rebuilding after wildfires.

House leadership has not yet announced whether the supplemental aid package will be added to the stopgap spending bill (H J Res 124) heading to the House Rules Committee on today and the House floor after that.

Current stopgap funding  expires Dec. 22.

House Committee Clears HEA Reauthorization Bill

In a marathon markup session that lasted well into the evening, the House Education and the Workforce Committee cleared yesterday the PROSPER Act (H.R. 4508), its version of the bill to reauthorize the Higher Education Act (HEA), by a vote 23 to 17.  A copy of the bill is available here.

During the session, approximately 60 amendments were considered.  A write-up of the markup session is available here.

The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee has not yet moved its version of the HEA reauthorization bill.


This Week in Congress, December 11-15

Here is a selection of committee meetings taking place this week.

U.S. Senate

Subcommittee Hearing
National Ocean Policy
Dec. 12, 2:30 p.m., 253 Russell Bldg.

Full Committee Hearing
Prescription Drug Costs
Dec. 12, 10 a.m., 430 Dirksen Bldg.

Full Committee Hearing
Ensuring Patient Access and Effective Drug Enforcement Act
Dec. 12, 10 a.m., 226 Dirksen Bldg.

U.S. House of Representatives

Full Committee Markup
Affordable Postsecondary Education Support
Dec. 12, 10 a.m., 2175 Rayburn Bldg.

Full Committee Hearing
Oversight of Mueller’s Russia Investigation
Dec. 13, 10 a.m., 2141 Rayburn Bldg.