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Administration to Cut Health Insurance Subsidies

Late Thursday, President Trump announced the Administration will no longer pay subsidies to health insurance companies that help pay out-of-pocket costs of low-income people. These plans were disclosed hours after the President issued an executive action yesterday to change the nation’s insurance system, including sales of cheaper policies with fewer benefits and fewer protections for consumers.

The Department of Health and Human Services said it will immediately end these monthly payments, a move that could push premiums as much as 15 to 20 percent higher and prompt more insurers to withdraw from the marketplaces altogether. It would cut approximately $7 billion in annual payments, which reimburse insurers for discounting deductibles and co-payments for the lowest-income enrollees, is grounds for insurers to back out of their federal contracts to even sell plans next year. Already, the Administration had been making the payments on a month-to-month basis, prompting complaints by insurers about a lack of certainty as they tried to plan ahead for 2018 and beyond.

The marketplaces are set to open for 2018 enrollment in two-and-a-half weeks and insurers are finalizing their offerings for 2018 now.

The Administration’s ability to actually make these payments, known as cost-sharing reductions (CSRs) was has already been in question due to a lawsuit filed by House Republicans filed back in 2014 against the Obama Administration.

In the suit, Republicans charged the Administration does not have the authority to make the CSR payments because Congress needed to appropriate the funding, and late last year, a federal judge sided with House Republicans. The ruling stated that the CSRs funding needs to be disbursed by Congress. Technically, this means that the Trump administration would have had to challenge that ruling in order to keep making the payments indefinitely.

Which is what Senators Lamar Alexander (R-TN.) and Patty Murray (D-WA) had been in talks to do for two months. They have been trying to work out a deal to appropriating the funding for 2018 and possibly 2019 to ensure stabilization in the marketplaces, but negotiations have been hampered over disagreements about how much state flexibility to inject into such a bargain. Conservative Republicans have been unwilling to pay CSRs without rolling back ACA regulations, and Democrats will not rollback any of the law’s consumer protections.


Nominee for DHS Secretary Named

At a White House ceremony yesterday, Kirstjen Nielsen was introduced by President Trump as his nominee to lead the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The previous secretary, John Kelly, is now the White House Chief of Staff. Elaine Duke is currently serving as the Acting Secretary of DHS.

Nielsen is currently the principal deputy chief of staff under Kelly and worked for him as well when he ran DHS.

Read more about the nomination here and here.


House Passes Emergency Spending

Today, the House voted overwhelmingly to provide $36.5 billion in disaster relief for victims of recent hurricanes and wildfires, as well as emergency credit to help Puerto Rico keep its government functioning. The spending bill, known as a supplemental appropriations measure, now moves to the Senate for consideration next week.

New NOAA Administrator Nominee Named

Yesterday, the White House announced the President’s intent to nominate Barry Myers as Under Secretary for Oceans and Atmosphere at the Department of Commerce.  Myers has served at the CEO of AccuWeather since 2007.

Read more about the nomination here and here.

Executive Order on Health Care Issued

Today, President Donald Trump issued a presidential directive to broaden the development of business association health plans, ease restrictions on short-term medical insurance and expand employer health care reimbursement accounts. The memorandum starts the rulemaking process, which will forge the details of the plans’ requirements. The White House is attempting to expand access to health insurance policies that face fewer regulations after several defeats of ACA repeal this year.

The new regulatory push on adjusting health insurance offerings was signaled by the White House earlier this year but deferred by ongoing and eventually stalled legislative action on repealing and replacing the 2010 health care law.

The order does two important things.

First, it asks cabinet officials to look for ways to expand short-term, limited-duration insurance. These plans generally come with less coverage than health plans sold through the ACA’s individual market, but they have grown in popularity since the ACA’s passage — even though people who buy them face federal penalties because their coverage does not meet the ACA’s standards.

The Presidential memo urges regulators to reverse an Obama administration policy that capped the duration of short-term policies at three months. If that’s enacted, those policies could return to lasting up to almost a year in many states.

Secondly, the order directs agencies to ease rules that allow small businesses, and possibly individuals, to band together in arrangements called “association health plans.” Such arrangements do exist today in some capacity, but expanding them could cause legal headaches for the Administration.

Read the Presidential Memorandum here.