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Deal Reached on Short-Term Debt, Spending, and Hurricane Package?

It appears that President Trump has sided with the Democrats on a legislative package that would deal with the quickly approaching deadlines to pass annual spending bills and increase the debt ceiling.  The Democratic leadership in Congress had proposed to the White House a short-term spending bill and a short-term debt limit increase, both until December 15, which would be packaged together with an initial relief bill to address the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.  President Trump has agreed to the proposal.

Read more here, here, and here.


DHS Provides Additional Materials, Documents on DACA Termination

The Department of Homeland Security has released several documents related to this morning’s announcement that DACA is being rescinded.  These include:

DACA Being “Rescinded”

Earlier this morning, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the DACA program is unconstitutional and is being “rescinded” by the Trump Administration. During his remarks, he added that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has started the “orderly wind down” of the program.

DHS has posted the following memo on the steps that it is taking to end DACA.

Federal Relations will continue to provide updates.


Senate Follows House and Leaves Town

After voting on a number of nominees for Administration positions yesterday, the Senate followed the lead of the House and left town for a shortened August recess.
Although the members of the Senate left Washington yesterday, the chamber will hold pro forma sessions every three days to prevent recess appointments, should dramatic things occur in the context of the Russia investigations during the remainder of the month.