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NSF Accepting Nominations for Alan T. Waterman Award

Today, the National Science Foundation announced it is accepting nominations for the 2017 Alan T. Waterman Award, which recognizes young researchers for their creativity and influence. The announcement reads:


Dear Colleague:

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is pleased to accept nominations for the 2017 Alan T. Waterman Award. Each year, the Foundation bestows the Waterman Award in recognition of the talent, creativity, and influence of a singular young researcher. Established in 1975 to commemorate the Foundation’s first Director, the Waterman Award is NSF’s highest honor for promising, early-career researchers.

Nominees are accepted from all sources, and from any field of science and engineering that NSF supports. The award recipient will receive a medal and an invitation to the formal awards ceremony in Washington, DC. In addition, the recipient will receive a grant of $1,000,000 over a five-year period for scientific research or advanced study in any field of science or engineering supported by the NSF, at any institution of the recipient’s choice. We are especially interested in nominations for women, members of underrepresented groups in science and engineering, and persons with disabilities.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

  1. A candidate must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. He or she must be 35 years of age or younger, or not more than 7 years beyond receipt of the Ph.D. degree, by December 31, 2016.
  2. A candidate should have demonstrated exceptional individual achievement in scientific or engineering research of sufficient quality, originality, innovation, and significant impact on the field so as to situate him or her as a leader among peers.

Complete nomination packages, consisting of nominations and four letters of reference, are due by October 21, 2016. The nominations and letters must be received through the FastLane system. To submit a nomination, please visit

Please contact Dr. Sherrie Green, Program Manager for the Alan T. Waterman Award at or 703-292-8040 if you have any questions. You may also visit for more information. A PDF version of the call for nominations is available at

The nomination of deserving colleagues is one of the most important and gratifying aspects of service in the scientific and engineering communities. Please help celebrate the contributions of a promising young researcher by submitting a nomination for the Alan T. Waterman award.


/// signed /// 

France A. Córdova

National Science Foundation
Office of the Director
4201 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1205
Arlington, VA 22230

What We’re Reading, July 25-29

Here’s a selection of articles Federal Relations is enjoying this week.

Clinton’s Free Tuition Promise – It’s directed not at older Americans, like Social Security and Medicare, but for once, at young Americans. Read more on NPR

How Women Are Harassed Out of Science – The discrimination women endure makes America’s need for STEM workers even greater. Read more on The Atlantic

Harvey Milk’s Navy Legacy – The Navy is planning to name one of it’s new oil tankers after the pioneering gay rights activist who served as a diving officer during the Korean War. Read more on The Huffington Post

Higher Ed at the DNC – Speech after speech discusses student debt — and praises the Clinton plan (based in part on Sanders plan) for college affordability. Read more on Inside Higher Ed

Trump to Russia: Send Emails ASAP – Donald Trump pleaded directly with the Russian government to meddle in the U.S. presidential election by finding and releasing Hillary Clinton’s private emails, but don’t worry because he was just kidding! Read more on the Washington Post

Do Governors Make Better VPs? – Governors are rarely VPs, and yet both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump selected one for this increasingly powerful office. Read more on Governing


What We’re Reading This Week, July 18-22

Here’s a selection of articles Federal Relations is enjoying this week.

I Accept – Donald John Trump accepted the Republican presidential nomination on Thursday night with an unusually vehement appeal to Americans who feel that their country is spiraling out of control and yearn for a leader who will take aggressive, even extreme, actions to protect them. Read more in the New York Times. 

Be careful near machinery (LOC)
Be careful near machinery (LOC)

All in the Family – Most of the decisions for the Trump campaign, as well as some of the strongest surrogates, are Trump’s children. Read more in Roll Call. 

Open Seat – KKK Leader David Duke is running for Senate in Louisiana. He previously ran for Governor in 1991. Read more in Roll Call.

Pondering Pence – Trump picked Indiana Governor Mike Pence to be his running mate, but who is this guy exactly? Read about him in Pacific Standard. 

Seven Biggest Challenges – Science is in big trouble. In the past several years, many scientists have become afflicted with a serious case of doubt — doubt in the very institution of science. Read more at Vox. 

Everyone’s At Risk – Education Department’s proposed rule for student debt forgiveness could threaten traditional colleges as well as for-profits, particularly over its broad view of what counts as misrepresentation. Read more at Inside Higher Ed. 

Yeah, Kinda Exactly the Same Thing – Big news earlier in the week was Melania Trump’s speech at the Republican convention coincidentally sounded a lot like another first lady’s speech. Read more in The New York Times.

AI Is the Next Big Thing – Move over, social media and mobility: Silicon Valley has a next big thing and it’s A.I. and robots. It is useful to think of them as part of the same thing, since many robots are autonomous machines programmed for decision making based on A.I. Read more in The New York Times. 

How He Won – Donald Trump’s unexpected transformation from reality television star to Republican Party presidential nominee has been analyzed endlessly over the past few months. Most of that analysis, mostly appropriately, has focused on the deep structural factors that powered his popularity. But Trump polled well in the GOP field a year ago when almost nobody thought he would win. Read more at Vox. 

RNC KFC Special – The buttons at the RNC Convention are pretty bad. See them at The Cut.

Truly Crucial Information – Here’s what you need to do if Pokemon freeze while you’re in the middle of battling someone. Read about it at Mic.

GOP Unveils Higher Ed Party Platform

Monday kicked off the Republican National Convention. One of the first orders of business approving a 58-page party platform, which takes a stance on an array of issues that are important to higher education, including: campus sexual assault, transgender student issues, student loans, college accreditation, for-profit education, and campus protests and student activism. More information on the particulars can be found here.

Off to Convention

Congress has left town for its seven-week summer recess, having made progress on considering FY 2017 appropriations measures, but both chambers left town without a clear path forward. For the first time in many years (since FY 2010), the House and Senate Appropriations Committees have approved all 12 of their respective FY17 appropriations bills, although none has received final congressional approval.

Despite this progress, there appears to be growing support among House Conservative Republicans for enactment of a six-month continuing resolution (CR), which would last through March 2017, rather than a short-term CR through December that keeps the government funded through the election while an omnibus appropriations package is negotiated. Of note, Congress typically does kick the can on passing a full fiscal year funding in presidential election years,or has since 2002. The lame duck Congress typically leaves the fiscal completion up to the new Administration and not complete full appropriations during a lame duck session, the notable exceptions were 2004 and 2014. 

Among other issues, a long-term CR would place at risk funding increases approved by both appropriations committees for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the possibility of restoring the year-round Pell Grant, as approved by the Senate committee (see next item below).

The House Appropriations Committee needed two days to finish work on its FY 2017 Labor-HHS-Education appropriations bill, which it did the morning of July 14. The vote was 31 to 19. This was the first House Labor-HHS-Education bill brought to a full committee vote since 2006.

The bill’s $161.6 billion in discretionary spending is about $257 million below the Senate committee-approved level, $569 million below the FY16 enacted level, and $2.8 billion below the Administration’s FY17 request.

The measure would raise funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to $33.3 billion, an increase of $1.25 billion above the FY16 level. On a party-line vote of 19-29, the committee rejected an amendment to raise NIH funding by an additional $750 million to the Senate committee-approved level of $2 billion. The increase would have been offset by declaring certain other health-related funding in the bill as emergency spending. Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman Tom Cole (R-OK) reiterated the statement he made in the subcommittee markup that he viewed the committee’s NIH funding level as a floor, not a ceiling.

The committee also voted down an amendment that would have restored the year-round Pell Grant. The amendment failed by a vote of 19-27, with two Republicans joining all Democrats in support of the amendment. Chairman Cole said he would welcome restoration of year-round Pell, suggesting the Senate position might prevail in the House-Senate conference on the bill.

The panel also rejected amendments to eliminate four provisions in the bill intended to block Obama administration regulatory actions. Left standing were the provisions to prohibit the Department of Labor from implementing its new overtime rule and to prohibit the Department of Education from moving ahead on regulations on teacher preparation, defining “gainful employment” and “credit hour,” and how states license institutions of higher education.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding includes $165 million for the National Children’s Study, $511.5 million for Clinical and Translational Sciences Awards, and $333.3 million for Institutional Development Awards (IDeA) programs. Other details include:

  • $1.26 billion, a $350 million increase, for the Alzheimer’s disease research initiative;
  • $195 million, a $45 million increase, for the Brain Research through Application of Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) initiative; and
  • $300 million for the Precision Medicine Initiative.

The bill would maintain the salary cap on external NIH grants at Executive Level II of the Federal Executive pay scale.

For higher education, the bill would raise the Pell Grant maximum award to $5,935 through a combination of discretionary and mandatory funds (which is the same as the Administration’s request and the Senate bill).

The circulated report language provided the following funding levels for key higher education programs.

Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants, Federal Work-Study, and Title VI/Fulbright-Hays were flat funded at their FY16 levels of $733 million, $989.7 million, and $72.2 million, respectively. The bill would increase funding for TRIO to $960 million, an increase of $60 million above the FY16 level, and increase funding for GEAR UP to $344 million, an increase of $22 million above the FY16 level.

In contrast, the measure would reduce funding for the Institute for Education Sciences to $536 million, a cut of $81.9 million from the FY16 level. The bill also would zero out funding for the Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) program-the only graduate education-specific aid program left in the Department of Education-on the basis that GAANN duplicates grant funding available through other agencies. The report also encourages using the $100 million that the Administration proposed to use in restoring the Fund for the Improvement and Support of Education (FIPSE) in FY17 to fund the First in the World program.

Meanwhile, it turns out the 10-year forecast it made just six months ago, in President Barack Obama’s fiscal 2017 budget, was way off. A revised forecast, issued Friday by the Office of Management and Budget, identified an extra $881 billion in savings over the next decade, if Obama’s budget were to become law.