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Nelson Nominated to Lead NASA

Former Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) has been nominated to lead NASA.  The three-term Senator and former Representative flew on a shuttle mission in 1986 and served as a vocal champion of the agency while he was in Congress.  He served as chairman of the Senate Commerce, Transportation, and Science Committee, which oversees NASA.

Read more about Nelson and his nomination herehere, and here.

Becerra Confirmed as HHS Secretary

By a vote of 50 – 49 in the Senate earlier this afternoon, Xavier Becerra, former Representative and Attorney General of California, was confirmed as Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.  Read more about the nomination and the vote here and here.

House Votes on Significant Immigration Bills

This week the House is set to vote on, and likely pass, two significant pieces of legislation as part of the Administration’s immigration overhaul push.

The Farm Workforce Modernization Act of 2021 would provide a path to legal status for certain undocumented agricultural workers.

The American Dream and Promise Act would offer a path to citizenship for DACA recipients via green card who arrived in the US before their 18th birthday, before 01/01/21. This is provided the applicant meets specific education, employment, or service requirements. It would also offer a path to citizenship for individuals in the US from nations under Temporary Protected Status (TPS) or Deferred Enforced Departure (DED).

The American Dream and Promise Act is not to be confused with the bipartisan DREAM Act reintroduced in the Senate which would offer some expanded protections for DACA recipients.

While the bills are likely to pass in the House, and have support from President Biden, the Senate would need to overcome the 60-vote filibuster threshold for the legislation to become law.

Haaland Confirmed as Interior Secretary

Rep. Deb Haaland of New Mexico was confirmed last evening as Secretary of Interior. With her confirmation, she becomes the first Native American to serve as Cabinet Secretary.

Read more about her, her confirmation, and some of the challenges she faces in her new role herehere, and here.  She is expected to be sworn in on Wednesday.

UW Remains Top Fulbright-Producing Institution

From UW News: According to numbers released by the US Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, the University of Washington is one of the top research institutions for producing successful Fulbright grants. 24 UW students received prestigious Fulbright grants in 2020-21 to conduct research or teach overseas.

Congrats, and Go Dawgs!