The Department of Energy is now accepting nominations for the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Awards, which are among the longest running and most prestigious science and technology awards given by the U.S. Government.
The Lawrence Awards honor U.S. scientists and engineers at mid-career for exceptional contributions in research and development supporting the Department of Energy and its mission to advance the national, economic, and energy security of the United States.
The Lawrence Award was established in 1959 by the Atomic Energy Commission and President Dwight D. Eisenhower in honor of the 1939 Nobel Laureate in physics. The first Lawrence Awards were conferred in 1960 and have since been awarded to 209 recipients.
Eligibility requires that nominees be U.S. citizens in mid-career and show promise for continued exceptional achievements. Nominations for the 2011 Lawrence Awards must be submitted by January 15, 2011. Please carefully note the revisions and updates to prior announcements. In particular, this announcement includes two new award categories – “Computer, Information, and Knowledge Sciences” and “Energy Science and Innovation” – as well as new category titles and descriptions. The Lawrence Award’s webpage describes the nomination guidelines and process, and all nominations must be made via an electronic submission process. The Department of Energy encourages the nomination of a diverse pool of candidates.
Questions about the E. O. Lawrence award nominations may be addressed to: or Dr. Glownia may be reached at (301) 903 2411.