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NSF Seeks Review Panelists

The National Science Foundation Academic Research Infrastructure -Recovery and Reinvestment (AR-R2) is seeking reviewers for their upcoming panels to review proposals for this program.  The announcement from NSF follows.

National Science Foundation
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)
Academic Research Infrastructure – Recovery and Reinvestment (ARI-R2)

July 31, 2009

Dear Colleagues

The National Science Foundation is requesting merit review expertise in the Academic Research Infrastructure – Recover and Reinvestment (ARI-R2) program ( This program is supported by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). 

ARI-R² is designed to support 21st century research and research training infrastructure in our Nation’s academic institutions and non-profit research organizations, such as research museums, research laboratories, and research consortia. ARI-R² will revitalize existing research facilities so that they provide next-generation research infrastructure and facilitate the integration of researchers with shared resources such as remote instruments and research platforms, data repositories, and national computing facilities. Research facilities are shared space where sponsored and/or unsponsored research activities and research training take place. They may be “bricks and mortar,” mobile or virtual research space.

The National Science Foundation is in need of expertise in a wide range of fields to evaluate the proposals submitted to this competition. NSF is in need of reviewers in three broad categories: a) expertise in a scientific, engineering or architecture field, b) experience in managing large facilities and centers, or c) expertise in computer networking; it is not expected that individuals will have competence in all categories. The merit review panels for this activity will be held during three weeks in October, 2009. Each panelist will be asked to commit up to 3 days to serve on a panel at NSF headquarters in Arlington, VA.  Travel expenses, per diem and an honorarium will be provided for your services.

If you have an interest in participating in the merit review process of this important program and have the time to serve on a panel in October, 2009, please go to
and complete and submit the short form indicating your field of expertise and availability.

Thank you for contributing your time and attention to this critical program in the revitalization of United States research resources.

Post-9/11 GI Bill to Take Effect

Tomorrow, Saturday August 1st, the Post-9/11 GI Bill goes into effect. It has been dubbed the most extensive educational assistance program for veterans since the original GI Bill was signed into law in 1944.  The new bill provides education benefits for servicemembers who have served on active duty for 90 or more days since Sept. 10, 2001. These benefits are tiered based on the number of days served on active duty, creating a benefit package that gives current and previously activated National Guard and Reserve members the same benefits as active duty servicemembers.

The UW Office of Federal Relations will be closely monitoring implementation of the program, as members of the WA Congressional delegation have articulated an interest in helping to address policy challenges in this area -as they arise.

Overview of the Post-9/11 GI Bill

FY10 Agency/Program Appropriations Figures Emerging

As the House and Senate prepare for their August recess, agency/program funding levels for FY10 are becoming more clear. Below, please find a chart that captures funding for some agency/programs of particular note. It should be noted that final figures will not be determined until this fall.

In Millions of Dollars

Agency  Program FY09 ARRA FY10 PBR FY10 House FY10 Senate
Agriculture Agriculture and Food Research Initiative 201.5   201.5 210.0 295.2  
  Hatch Act Funds 207.1   207.1 215.0 215.0  
  Smith Lever Funds 288.5   288.5 295.0 300.0  
  Evans-Allen Program 45.5   45.5 48.0 49.0  
  EFNEP 66.0   66.0 68.0 68.1  
  McIntire-Stennis 27.5   27.5 28.0 30.0  
NSF Agency 6,490.0 3,000.0 7,045.0 6,936.0 6,936.0  
  Research and Related Activities 5,183.1   5,733.2 5,642.1 5,618.0  
  MREFC 152.0 400.0 117.3 114.3 122.3  
NOAA Agency 4,365.0   4,473.0 4,602.0 4,770.0  
  Sea Grant 55.0   55.1 63.1 63.1  
  OAR 396.7   404.6 419.8 419.8  
NASA Science Mission 4,503.0   4,477.0 4,496.0 4,517.0  
  Aeronautics Research Mission 500.0   507.0 501.0 600.0  
NIST Technology Innovation Program 65.0   70.0 70.0 70.0  
  Manufacturing Extension Program 110.0   125.0 125.0 125.0  
Defense 6.1 Basic Research 1,842.0   1,798.0 1,929.0 N/A  
Energy Office of Science 4,716.0 1,600.0 4,900.0 4,944.0 4,942.0  
  ARPA-E 15.0 400.0 10.0 10.0 10.0  
  Innovation Hubs 280.0 35.0 0  
  RE-ENERGYSE –New     115.0 7.5 0.0  
USGS USGS 1,043.8 1,097.8 1,105.7 1,104.3  
NEH NEH 155.0 161.0 170.0 161.0  
NEA NEA 155.0   161.0 170.0 161.0  
EPA Science and Technology 790.1   842.3 849.6 790.1  
Education Pell Grant Maximum (Not in millions of $) 4,850.0 5,350.0 5,500.0 5,550.0 5,550.0  
  TRIO Programs 848.1   848.1 868.1 848.1  
  GEAR UP 313.2   313.2 333.2 313.2  
  Javits Fellowship Program 9.6   9.6 9.6 9.6  
  GAANN 31.0   31.0 31.0 31.0  
  Fulbright-Hays 14.7   14.7 15.2 14.7  
  COE Veteran Student Success –New       8.0 N/A  
NIH Agency 30,300.0 10,400.0 30,838.0 31,336.0 30,800.0  
VA Medical and Prosthesis Research Programs 510.0   580.0 580.0 580.0  
State Paul Simon Study Abroad -New     N/A N/A N/A  

HHS Recovery Act Funding Available to Expand Health Professions Training

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius today announced the availability of $200 million to support grants, loans, loan repayment, and scholarships to expand the training of health care professionals.  The funds are expected to train approximately 8,000 students and credentialed health professionals by the end of fiscal year 2010.  Today’s funds are part of the $500 million allotted to HHS’ Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), to address workforce shortages under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).

The $200 million will be directed to the following program areas:

  • $80.2 million for scholarships, loans, and loan repayment awards to students, health professionals, and faculty. Of those funds, $39 million will be targeted to nurses and nurse faculty, $40 million to disadvantaged students in a wide range of health professions, and $1.2 million to health professions faculty from disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • $50 million in grants to health professions training programs. Funds will be used to purchase equipment needed to expand programs and improve the quality of training.
  • $47.6 million to support primary care training programs. These funds will support the training of residents, medical students, physician assistants, dentists and individuals, many of whom will practice in underserved areas.
  • $10.5 million to strengthen the public health workforce. Funds will support public health traineeships and increase the number of individuals trained through preventive medicine and dental public health residencies.
  • $10.2 million to increase the diversity of the health professions workforce.
  • And $1.5 million to support the efforts of state professional licensing boards in reducing barrier to telemedicine.

HRSA is using a competitive process to award all funds. Some awards will be made over the next several months.  In addition, funding opportunities for some programs will be announced over the next several months, giving applicants adequate time to prepare materials.  The remaining $300 million in ARRA workforce funds is being used to expand HRSA’s National Health Service Corps, which provides scholarships and loan repayment for primary care providers who serve in health professional shortage areas.  In addition, HRSA received $2 billion through ARRA to expand health care services to low-income and uninsured individuals through its health center program.