MONDAY, 7/13
· The House convenes 2 p.m. for a pro forma session.
· The Senate convenes 2 p.m. to consider HR 627 —Credit card regulation. No roll call votes expected.
· The House convenes 12:30 p.m. to consider several issues under suspension of the rules. One of the issues is HR 2020, Networking and IT research
· Senate Finance Committee will hold a hearing on financing a comprehensive health care overhaul.
· The House convenes 10 a.m. Wednesday and Thursday; 9 a.m. Friday. Several bills will be considered under suspension of the rules. Also to be considered, Subject to a rule, are HR 2187, ‘Green’ school renovations and the Draft of the Fiscal 2009 war supplemental.
· House Science and Technology Energy and Environment Subcommittee will mark up a draft bill on climate change.
· Senate Energy and Natural Resources will mark up draft sections of an energy policy bill and votes on nominations.
The House convenes at 10 a.m.
FRIDAY, 7/17
The House convenes at 9 a.m.
Source: CQ Today Print Edition