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Office of Congressman Inslee to Hold Federal Funding Workshop in Shoreline

The office of Representative Jay Inslee would like to invite you to a Federal Funding Workshop on June 9th, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Shoreline Center.  Details of the event are listed below, and a flyer is attached for distribution.
Join Congressman Inslee’s staff for a presentation on federal grants and the appropriation process. Topics covered in the presentation will include:

  • An overview of the difference between grants and appropriations
  • An overview of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
  • Resources to help find the right funding source for your project
  • Tips on submitting a successful grant application
  • Ways that your Congressional Delegation can help 

In addition, representatives from CTED and the Nonprofit Philanthropy and Resource Center will provide a brief overview and resources for identifying state and private funding.
What:  Federal Funding Workshop
When: Tuesday, June 9th, 2009
                10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Where: The Shoreline Center    
                Mt. Rainier Room
                18560 1st Avenue NE
                Shoreline, WA 98155
This event is free, but space is limited.  Please RSVP to: 
206-361-0233 or

Senator Cantwell Advances UW FY10 Projects

Senator Maria Cantwell has advanced several of the UW’s FY10 priority projects.  While this is just a first step in a long journey, we are encouraged by the support the Senator is showing for the UW.  The next step is to get these and other projects included in the FY10 funding bills, which are currently being drafted and should be made public in June and July.

Puget Sound Ecosystem Research Initiative – University of Washington (Seattle, WA)

The Puget Sound Ecosystem Research Initiative (PSERI) is a council formed to, in close coordination with the Puget Sound Partnership (PSP), focus regional, national, and international scientific talent on issues critical to maintaining the health of the Puget Sound. With the requested funding the PSERI will conduct research and coordinate existing research to support efforts to restore the health of the Puget Sound. In addition to research, the funding will allow the University of Washington to create research panels to review existing research to determine the best available science to inform the work of the Puget Sound Partnership.

Amount Requested: $2,130,000

Institute for Simulation and Interprofessional Studies (ISIS) – University of Washington (Seattle, WA). 

Project Description– The Institute for Simulation and Interprofessional Studies (ISIS) provides targeted, intensive re-training programs for military personnel who return from deployment and need to recertify in their specialty in order to practice in WA State, and also for military personnel needing first-time WA State medical certification. ISIS is uniquely positioned to provide training, evaluation, and curricula to meet DoD needs and is currently working in partnership with Madigan Army Medical Center to develop these programs. Through ISIS, University of Washington School of Medicine has established this regional model of distributed medical education for skills training that will eventually form a national model for civilian practice as well as the large scale model for military needs.

Amount Requested – $6,380,000

House of Knowledge – University of Washington (Seattle, WA)

The House of Knowledge will aid the University of Washington in becoming a model for utilizing research partnerships with tribal nations to strengthen programs in health, environment and economic vitality.  As such, the University is in an enviable position to demonstrate effective ways to diversify its campus. These efforts to do so include a thoughtful and deliberate process to add a longhouse-style building which would serve as a multi-service learning and gathering space for Native American students, faculty and staff, and others of various cultures and communities..  The facility would assist in the advancement of knowledge of the indigenous cultures of the region. The facility and its programming would provide an imaginative environment of the original inhabitants of the area and promote inter-cultural exchange and diversity.

Amount Requested: $1,000,000

Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center – University of Washington (Seattle, WA) 

The Northwest Marine Renewable Energy Center is a partnership between Oregon State University (OSU) and the University of Washington (UW).  OSU will direct the Center and focus its efforts on applied research for wave energy.  The UW will focus on research specific to tidal energy.  The two universities will leverage their expertise and experience to accelerate the development of ocean energy. The NW Center will build on existing strengths and will develop knowledge and expertise in the following program areas: advanced forecasting technologies (wave); device and array optimization (wave and tidal); collaboration and optimization among marine and other renewable sources (wave and tidal); facilities serving as an integrated Center for US and international developers (wave and tidal); compatibility of marine power technologies and systems with the environment, fisheries and other marine resources (wave and tidal); and increased reliability and survivability of marine power technologies (wave and tidal).

Amount Requested: $1,200,000

APLU Releases FY10 Funding Recommendations

The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) has released a set of FY10 funding recommendations, which incorporate figures put forward last in the President’s Budget Request (PBR). The APLU recommendations focus on agencies/program accounts of interest to the higher education community. The UW Office of Federal Relations encourages feedback our community on the recommendations outlined below. In the coming days, we will provide members of the WA delegation with FY10 funding recommendations. Continue reading “APLU Releases FY10 Funding Recommendations”

APLU Shares Summary on FY10 R&D Budget Request Hearing

The hearing summary below has been provided by staff from the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU).

APLU Hearing Summary
Date: May 14, 2009
Committee: House Committee on Science and Technology, Full Committee
Hearing Subject: An Overview of the Federal Research and Development (R&D) Budget for FY2010

Members Present: Chairman Bart Gordon (D-TN), Ranking Member Ralph Hall (R-TX), Brian Baird (D-WA), Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), Brad Miller (D-NC), Kathy Dahlkemper (D-PA), Pete Olson (R-TX), Suzanne Kosmas (D-FL), Daniel Lipinski (D-IL), Donna Edwards (D-MD), David Wu (D-OR), Ben Lujan (D-NM), Brian Bilbray (R-CA), Vernon Ehlers (R-MI), Paul Tonko (D-NY), Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), Gary Peters (D-MI)

• Dr. John P. Holdren, Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)

Opening Remarks:
Upon reviewing the FY2010 R&D budget, Chairman Gordon was impressed that President Obama substantiated his claims about the societal importance of science.   Gordon said the Committee on Science and Technology has already “reported out legislation on the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education, nanotechnology, information technology, water resources, electronics recycling, design of green buildings, and international cooperation.”  The research and development budget was enhanced by American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds, but money is still tight.  For this reason there must be a unified government effort, led by OSTP, to ensure the U.S. uses its resources efficiently and effectively to address some of its greatest challenges. Continue reading “APLU Shares Summary on FY10 R&D Budget Request Hearing”

Senator Murray Advances UW FY10 Projects

Senator Patty Murray has advanced University of Washington fiscal year 2010 appropriations requests along with requests from a number of institutions in the state of Washington. The development is important, but not the final step in securing support for the projects selected. The FY10 appropriations process will play out over the course of the summer and likely the early fall.

FY2010 UW Projects Advanced by Senator Murray

Project Title:  Institute for Simulation and Inter-Professional Studies (ISIS)
Recipient:       University of Washington
Amount:         $6,380,000
Location:        Seattle, WA

Purpose: This funding would enhance medical simulation technologies and expand health care skills training through a collaboration between Madigan Army Medical Center at Fort Lewis, University of Washington and other regional Universities.

Importance: This would improve the quality of medical education for Army and civilian health care providers and thereby enhance health care and safety for servicemembers and civilians.

Project Title:  Puget Sound Ecosystem Research Initiative
Recipient:       University of Washington
Amount:         $2,130,000
Location:        Seattle, WA

Purpose:  This funding would be used toward creation of the Puget Sound Ecosystem Research Initiative, which would provide a forum for top research scientists to contribute to and engage in the work of the Puget Sound Partnership.

Importance:  This Initiative would advance the work of the Puget Sound Partnership to restore and protect the Puget Sound ecosystem and ensure implementation of the Partnership’s Action Agenda, which would allow for continued efforts to clean up Puget Sound and protect economic development in the area.

Project Title:  University of Washington Bothell Nursing Faculty Consortium Training Program
Recipient:       University of Washington
Amount:         $500,000
Location:        Bothell, Washington

Purpose:  This money will support the expansion of the University of Washington Bothell’s nursing program to encompass several additional community and technical colleges.

Importance:  The University of Washington Bothell Nursing Consortium project is aimed at addressing the increased need for nurses by increasing the number of master’s prepared nursing faculty available to teach in Washington’s community and technical colleges. This will be accomplished through the development of a consortium of associate degree nursing programs.

Project Title: University of Washington Integrated Transportation Lab and Research Program – WA
Recipient: University of Washington
Amount: $2,000,000
Location: Seattle, WA

Purpose: This provides start-up funding for a research program at the University of Washington that would provide an integrated facility to enhance research addressing transportation problems and solutions for the future.
Importance: Developing a dedicated research lab and program to address future transportation needs will augment access to the most up-to-date and relevant research to policy makers and industry professionals as decisions regarding congestion relief, safety, transit development and freight mobility are being made.

Project Title: Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center
Recipient: University of Washington, Oregon State University
Amount: $5,000,000

Location: Seattle, Washington and Corvallis, Oregon

 Purpose: Using this funding, the University of Washington and its partners would continue research on tidal energy, which has the potential to be a carbon-neutral power source. 

Importance: This project would help to determine the potential of a power source that could be predictable and reliable and help to diversify the country’s energy portfolio.

Project Title: Washington State Biofuels Industry Development
Recipient: University of Washington
Amount: $1,000,000

Location: Seattle, Washington

Purpose: The University of Washington would utilize this funding to create processes to convert biomass sources into transportation fuels.

Importance: This project would explore the potential to diversify our country’s energy portfolio, slow global warming by decreasing carbon emissions, and reduce our dependence on foreign oil sources.